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   She was born into an abusive household with her older siblings James and Jordan(female). Jordan disappeared(to Camp Jupiter) while she was at school one year when she was around 11. After a major incident that resulted in the death of James (And her being frozen in time for 70 years after the fact because ARES COULDN'T MAKE UP HIS MIND), before her mother and stepfather could harm her any farther she was teleported by Hades(VERY. IMPORTANT.) and Poseidon, NOT ARES, because little thing she was supposed to die not James, the Fates told the gods so themselves. There she was accepted into the Camp but never spoke, she had a major case of PTSD where she would wake up screaming every night. The other Ares camper kicked her out every night without Chiron or Dionysus knowing (though I doubt that Mr D would care) It came to the point where she would just go and climb a tree to sleep in every night because it was her comfort activity. One day she didn't come to any of the activities and Chiron got worried. They looked for her and found her sitting in her tree with her head in her hands. At this point some of the campers realized, including on in particular; Annabeth, that she needed support other than Remus(He was the one who found her) who couldn't get through to her anymore so Annabeth climbed up the tree and started to comfort her; with Chirons guidance. Since she came to camp in a similar state, grieving. They bonded and Sam spoke for the first time in a weeks. They continued to spend a lot of time together and Sam went back to herself before the accident. She never told anyone what happened but Remus guessed. Right before the beginning of the Summer a few weeks after she arrived, Annabeth Remus and her were walking along the cliffs. Annabeth had run ahead, and as they were walking the ground started to crumble away under Remus' feet. Sam leaped forward and just caught his hand. She started slipping and Remus told her to let go, reluctantly she did and then rushed down the cliff with Annabeth on her heels. They got the bottom and rushed towards the broken body of Remus. Sam hugged him until he reincarnated into a tree. And again someone she loved died. This time she moved on quicker, at least that what people thought. Soon Percy arrived, she one of the people to comfort him after loosing his mother. And made sure he didn't get the wrong impression of her like everyone else, (Ares cabin hated her so they started telling everyone how awful and dangerous she was, this discouraged a lot from even going near her though she was one of the people that was always comforting new campers) she recognized what had happened in his past without him telling her. She became his friend and reassured him that Annabeth didn't mean any harm, just that she needed time to understand. She also became friends with Grover and saw them off on their Quest. While Annabeth was gone she was silent like before, no one though anything of it. When they got home she acted like everything was fine, she had made a fort in one tree with the help of the Nymphs and Naiads so she didn't need to go in Ares cabin anymore. (Time Skip) During TTC she was sick with worry about Annabeth though she ended up being the one to comfort Thalia and help welcome and settle Nico. She would put up with his Mytho Magic geeking without a complaint. She even liked it, when Annabeth and the others returned she knew something was wrong and also noticed the gray streaks in both Annabeths and Percy's hair. She commented on it and they told her about how they held up the sky. With the sorrow clouding their gazes she knew the prophecy was true, two had died and she knew who they were. She watched as Percy told Nico about his sister. She was about to yell to tell they their were skeletons behind them but the earth just split and swallowed them up after Nico yelled. Sam knew what it meant and she helped the others while they searched for Nico. The following summer before right after the Labyrinth was discovered the Oracle of Delphi told a prophecy that concerned Sam. The prophecy was;

The daughter of Ares who you know little of will travel west alone thus

Finding the one who once betrayed her trust.

She will heal what has been broken

Though she will be stopped for 1/5 a decade unawoken.

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