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§Hello§ -Parseltongue

"Potter" -talking

'Prat' - thinking

"Hello" -speaking different language

"Enough" - speaking to magical creatures/portraits

Hello -writing/messages/news

◇◇◇◇◇◇Start chapter ◇◇◇◇◇◇

No ones pov:
It was a quiet night peaceful Halloween night in the cozy little village just outside of London known as Godric's Hollow. In one of the two storey cottage in the village their was a wizard family of four in hiding from an evil wizard that many wizards fear to speak his name. This evil wizard is known as Lord Voldemort the dark lord. The family hiding in the muggle village are known as the Potters. At the moment Lily Potter is putting her twin sons to be. Harry is lays quietly in the cot looking at his mom while his younger twin brother Alex was still in his mother's arms crying not wanting to put down. Alex clings to his mother while Lily gently pryed him off and lays him down in crib. At that moment Lily's husband James hollers from down stairs.

James-*distantly hollers*"Lily Peter's here we have to go or we be late"

Lily-*Hollers back* "Coming *looks to her 2 sons and gently says* now Harry Alex you both be good for Wormy ok Mummy and Daddy have to go to a meeting we will be back later tonight okay."

Harry her oldest lays in the cot and gurgles and coos. Lily smiles down at her eldest son. Unlike Alex who cries often Harry never really does. At first James and Lily worried something was wrong but after getting him a full check up finding out he completely health releaving them of any stress they feeled. In the end they shrugged it off as just being the quiet type. After covering up and giving one last kiss goodnight to her sons Lily left the room heading down stairs.

After making her way down stairs she sees her husband James standing at bottom stairs talking to his long time friend and their secret keeper Peter Pettigrew. James and Peter look up at Lily seeing her descend down the stairs. Lily thanked Peter for doing this told him the rules of the boys bedtime as well as anything else he may need to know about while watching the twins. After that Lily and James both left the house and apparated away.

The Potters land outside of Grimmauld's place and enter number 12 which was hidden to muggles. After entering they head to the dining room where all the other members of the order of Phoenix inner circle. The members consist of Lily Potter, Jameson Potter, Alastor Moody, Alice Longbottom, Franklin Longbottom, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Dorcas Meadows, Hestia Jones, Emmeline Vance,Edgar Bones,Wallace Brown, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Jonah Kelly, Poppy Pomfrey, Filius Flitwick, Minerva Mcgonagall, the three McKinnon siblings, and Albus Dumbledore.

Moody-*looks around at the others suspiciously with magical glass eye* "We sure this spy can be trusted"

Dumbledore-"I can honestly vouch that the information that I received is reliable"

No one in the room missed how Dumbledore said he vouch for the information but not the spy being reliable. No one in the room voice it out as he was Albus Dumbledore leader of the light the next Merlin so they all continue the meeting. Unaware that though they question Dumbledore's spy little did they know that their enemy had a spy in their ranks as well who just so happens to be the Potter's secret keeper.

****************Meanwhile at Godric's Hollow********************

The Potters have been gone for 15 minute so peter thought safe to assume they weren't coming back because they forgot something. Peter rolls up his left sleeve showing that he bares a dark mark.

(Edit) Rigel Nightingale: Leader Of The ShadowknightsWhere stories live. Discover now