Flirt Like a Rainbow

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Nijimura likes someone but refuses to admit it. Unfortunately (or was it fortunate?), Akashi is having none of it.

Nijimura Shuuzo was a next door neighbor. Add to the fact that you're the same age as his, it was only natural you became friends and attended the same school.

Nijimura Shuuzo was a troublemaker and a polar opposite of your polite and model student image. For every fight he got involved on, you have a matching star from a teacher for a job well done. For every detention he had, you have extra class activities to attend. At the very least, the latter phenomenon ensured that he was still able to walk with you home.

Nijimura Shuuzo was never a 'close' friend at school. He was never in your class, as you were always in those top section from the batch. He was also never in your circle of friends in school. Despite this, he was friendly and you found yourself harboring a secret crush over the resident bad boy.

Then Teiko happened.

Nijimura Shuuzo was never the sporty type but he did excel in PE. When he was recruited to the basketball team, he turned from delinquent to Mr. Popular overnight. He was suddenly cool, despite his hotheadedness and aloof personality. He suddenly had a fanclub and his locker was suddenly filled with letters of confession and admiration. All of a sudden, you weren't the only one harboring a secret crush.

And just like that, you quietly disappeared from his life. It was a little sad, but you decided it was for the better. You were genuinely happy that at least Nijimura stopped going into fights and was turning to someone responsible.

You kind of just wished he could still walk you home.


When you turned second-year, you ran for the student council as vice-president. It took a lot of campaigning and sacrifice of study time, but you managed and emerged victorious. You thought you were the luckiest person to won over this election, having no prior experience except your class president stint last year.

That is, until you met Akashi Seijurou and somehow, you suddenly felt like you weren't doing anything meaningful with your life.

Akashi Seijurou was intimidating, proper, and very smart. You looked him in the eye anyway, unlike the other members of the council and bit by bit became casual enough to hold a conversation that has nothing to do with academics. Because for all his perfect personality, he was still the kouhai president.

It was one of those extended meetings that Nijimura's name pop up. As usual, you and Akashi are the only ones left to clean up the student council room.

"You play basketball? That's really cool," you politely admired. Akashi didn't seem like the sporty type but thinking about it now, him excelling besides academics doesn't sound so outlandish "How's Niji-kun doing? I hope he's not giving you a hard time."

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