Catch New Elemental Monsters

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The elemedians and their elemental monsters had crossed past every area in the forest and Keon scans his surroundings using his cellphone to scan for any new species nearby, but only got the results of the same species he caught for the past few weeks and keep on refreshing the scanning till he got about two silhouettes of unknown elemental monsters that were near the rivers after hearing the sounds of running waters. Keon and Frost fang approaches the river first as Keon however refreshes his scanning app one last time to get more silhouettes of unknown elemental monsters and views the river to find six wild elemental monsters drinking peacefully at the edge of the river and they look like dinosaurs, like a lesothosaurus, but these elemental monsters look to be like an earth and water elemental type so Keon got on his knees to approach those creatures close as possible to get a good aim at them so they will be added to the park and maybe the guests would like to see these creatures in the river zone near the forest zone so the park can continue to get populated with new elemental monsters. Keon took out his three elemental monsters that were the blue kiwi elemental monsters who are Jim, Kim, and Tim, the three azuliwies they are friends with Sun sprite, Solarite, and Zapsoss who are happy to see them since its been a while so they may help their tamer in catching these new elemental monsters before they finish drinking.

Keon, orders Jim, Kim, and Tim to use drowsing spices to put those elemental monsters to sleep and they did it together spraying the drowsing spices at the lesothosaurus elemental monsters by the edge of the rivers without realizing they were being watched and they fell to sleep and Keon got the opportunity to throw six monster boxes at them all at once and it was a success before getting the new data transferred to his index learning these elemental monsters were streamsothoes, the canyon stream lesothosaurus monsters and were added to his index. Keon, picked up his new six elemental monsters and stored them in his backpack, and scans his surroundings to find another new elemental monster that looks like another dinosaur, but this one is bigger and it looks like a gallimimus to only have glacier structures on its body and Keon knows this one is an ice-type and the Professor will be pleased to have guests view this elemental monster at the alpine zone where his ao-supino is living in.

Keon, had his cellphone scanned this elemental monster to learn it was a glacimimus, the mountain glacier gallimimus monster that is part ice, metal, and earth elemental types so Keon took out his great monster box and throws it at the glacimimus causing the glacimimus to react to the great monster box aiming directly at it and it tries to whip it with its tail but failed as it got bonked on the head with the great monster box causing it to glow light blue as it was sucked into that device and shakes three times and clicks. Horace told, Keon that's enough so they can go fishing for any new elemental monsters so they can help Professor Algoma's park from losing any more guests. Now, Keon got Devin's fishing rod and Takisha got the baits prepped for Keon to see what kind of elemental monsters he'll catch when reeling it on land when he gets the bite from any aquatic creature depending on what kind of bait Takisha uses to attract the rarest elemental monster as possible. Keon begins fishing and everyone sat on the log to watch to see what Keon will reel in and waited for a few minutes before getting a bite Takisha tells him to reel it in before it gets away and there came out the water elemental monster that looks like a salmon and yellowish.

This elemental monster Keon reels in looks like a salmon and has a lightning bolt nose tip and he knew this elemental monster is part lightning elemental type and had his cellphone scan this elemental monster what this creature is.

Ira-12 cellphone: Rakusamon, the thunderbolt-nosed salmon monster, this a very rare elemental monster many fishermen struggled to find in lakes and rivers nowadays, but they are endangered species due to habitat loss and overfishing.

Elemental Monsters Ch.23 Alternate-Colored Elemental Monsters?!Where stories live. Discover now