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Saturday mornings in the Styles house were never quiet. No silence. No time to think about anything with three males living under the same roof.

Filled with laughter, crying and the loud stomps of bare feet across the hard wood floor. Toys laid out in every inch possible and dirty laundry was thrown about the house. Dishes stacked neatly through out the kitchen, dirty cups and plates littered the sink from the boys grabbing a 2am snack. The house was a living barn, but Harry couldn't picture him living any different lifestyle.

He somehow loved waking up to arguments on occasion and both kids jumping on the bed yelling 'Daddy wake up!'

Today was one of those mornings.


"Daddy wake up. I am hungry," Louis called, smacking Harry in the face, "and my stomach wants to eat me it's so hungry."

Harry groaned, rolling over and covering his face with the blanket smiling to himself. He peeked an eye open to be met with Liam's small baby feet in his face.

"Ew monkey, your feet smell," Harry laughed pinching his nose close, coming out from under the blanket. Liam sat up as well, his hair sticking out in different places.

"No they don't daddy," he said lifting his
foot to his face taking a whiff. Harry lightly pushed him over onto the bed, the youngest lads face turning red with laughter.

"What do you two say, we eat and then get dressed and then we can go see Uncle Calum?" Harry asked standing up to crack his back. Louis hopped up off the floor, standing on Harry's feet.

"Can we play with Lukey?"

Harry ruffled his head, pulling him into his side, "Of course you can. Just be careful, he's still a little thing."

"I know daddy, he's still a baby," Liam popped up, running next to Louis. Harry smiled and nodded, "That he is. Just like you're my baby boy."

Harry tossed Liam over his shoulder, crouching down so Louis can hop onto his back. "Prepare for take off. Arriving at Location Kitchen in approximately ten seconds. Initiating launch in OFF," Harry yelled running out of the room, both kids laughing.

"Prepare for landing," Harry said and dropped Liam onto the couch, giving way of Louis hands, him falling next to his brother. "Again! Again daddy!" Liam chanted. Harry gave a small smile, tapping his button nose, "I have to make breakfast monkey."


"Uncle Calum!" Louis yelled, hopping out of the car, running into the mans legs. Harry getting out, helping Liam so he could join his brother.

The kiwi man stood on his front porch, his two year old son attached to his hip sucking greedily on his dummy. "Hey Lou-Lou, you been good yeah?"

Louis nodded playing with Luke's baby feet, Luke gurgling around his dummy lightly tapping on Louis head. "Ouch Lukey," Louis giggled to himself.

Liam ran behind, clutching Mr. Lam in his tight grasp, but only to fall onto the sidewalk. Only muttering an 'Ouch!' before getting back up and running over to the other side of his much loved uncle.

"I'm okay daddy..I am," Liam muttered to his dad after Harry ambushed him with 'Are you alright monkey?'

"Harry, how are you?," Calum asked, raising Luke higher on his hip, the small baby growing impatient. "Good and you?"

"Dealing with munchkin is all."

"But he is a cute munkin," Liam mumbled into Harry's side. "LiLi it's pronounced 'MunCHkin," Harry laughed following Calum into the living room.

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