Preferred Name -- Phoenix. Birthday -- September 9. Pronouns -- They/Her. Sexuality -- No idea, but not heterosexual. Personality -- Adventurous, affectionate, amusing, bright, brilliant, enthusiastic, energetic, dependable, honest, imaginative, intuitive, protective, polite, passionate, sensitive, sincere, spontaneous, straightforward, caring, clever, compassionate, considerate, creative, curious, helpful, hardworking, gracious, funny, friendly, flexible, loving, neat, obedient, open, selfless, romantic, resourceful, reliable, witty. -- Bad-tempered, withdrawn, weak-willed, unpredictable, tongue-tied, timid, theatrical, temperamental, superstitious, stubborn, squeamish, soft-hearted, forgetful, sarcastic, reckless, rebellious, perfectionist, paranoid, overprotective, overemotional, overambitious, nervous, meek, judgmental, indecisive, impatient, emotionally underdeveloped, gullible, flirty, dependent on others, blunt, anxious, aimless, absent-minded, loyal, unforgiving, ambitious, vengeful, calculating, just slightly twisted, cowardly, hesitant, moody. Sign -- Virgo. Status -- Single. Likes -- Candles, stickers, coffee (even though it results in stomach issues), incense, crystals, tarot, numerology, music, video games, board games, card games, horror movies, astronomy, astrology, clouds, rain, fossils, haunted houses, hair coloring, making lists and planning, the ocean and the beach, abandoned buildings, movies, cemeteries (even though afraid of the dead), jigsaw puzzles, word puzzles, seashells, roller coasters, adult coloring books, witchcraft, mythology and folklore, collecting, learning languages, the dark, funerals, running errands, mushrooms in the wild. Dislikes -- Animal cruelty, styrofoam, trust-building exercises, closed spaces, heat, spiders, snakes, clowns, cleaning, pranks, getting lost, KidsBop, ketchup and anything to do with tomatoes, onions except for green onions, romance of any kind, feet, open windows, heights, roller coasters that have the loops. Hobbies -- Sand castle making, antiquing, coin collecting, reading, writing, sewing, cooking, baking, shell and sea glass collecting, rock tumbling, painting, drawing, LEGO, singing, genealogy, language learning, journaling, science experiments, thrifting, coloring, designing. Secret Talents -- Double jointed in both the pointer and middle finger on right hand, can speak and sing in Korean, japanese, and Spanish. Trivia -- Obsessed with dinosaurs and dead things, whenever out running errands or in a walk, will bring home every dead animal to bury at home, has a real alligator head from Louisiana named Fred, has a real taxidermy duckling named Dale, wants to be a paleontologist, anthropologist, psychologist, and a forensic scientist. Languages Spoken -- English, Spanish, Korean, Japanese. Favorite Music Genre -- Kpop, instrumental Favorite Food and Drink -- Sushi, flan, pink pineapple, mochi. -- Mountain Dew energy drink, boba milk tea. Favorite Holiday -- Halloween Favorite Animal -- Woodpecker Habits and Quirks -- Never talks over others, tendency to mumble, shortness of breath from talking too fast, mutters to self, stutters, laughs to fill in silences, sticks out tongue when in thought or extremely focused, bobs head and mouths lyrics when listening to music, jaw clenching, cracking joints, eyes dart everywhere, unfocused, avoids eye contact, gazes into space, looks down while walking, tightly clenched hands, runs hand through hair, covers mouth when smiling, swings arms back and forth, unable to stand still, taps foot, shaky legs when sitting, rocks back and forth on heels, shifts weight from one foot to another, legs spread while sitting, pushes up glasses, sits on edge of chair, repeatedly checks time, clicks ballpoint pen. Strengths -- Cooking, baking, languages, connection to animals, empathetic and understanding of people. Weaknesses -- Public speaking, low pain tolerance, socially awkward, self-destructive. Pets -- Hamster, dog, cat, guinea pigs. Appearance -- Hair
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-- Eyes
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-- Skin Tone (Sienna)
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-- Height + 5'3. Medical -- Really bad eyesight. Mental -- Depression, anxiety, BPD. Clothing Style --
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