Boba Run's Uncertainty

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Chapter 6

Rule #7: Don't get attached

The Backstory part V

Falls at its Climax and starts to turn to winter.

The air is crisp and The Strong scent of Teenage hormones hangs in the air.

Life sucks

I sat on the steps outside the school with Eudora eating the biggest bag of Popcorners waiting until 9th period was over so we could see the rest of our friends. We did this every day and usually Tony would be somewhere near, like coming back from the Boba place on Winterfield with Boba for his friends or hanging out in Arlo's car in front of the school, which wouldn't be happening today since Arlo's home sick. I was expecting to get sick too since I was around him, but that didn't happen.

" Just look at her sucking face with that guy," Eudora sighed.

" who says sucking face anymore" I laughed

" no no look, that doesn't matter it's Briar that matters " .

I didn't bother to look knowing that it wasn't truly my business...but she did sabotage my" not so date "with Tony.

" And to think that she ruined your Date with Tony only to make out with some random guy. Like damn if she didn't want Tony then why go through all that trouble " Eudora Grumbled.

Looking over its nothing disgusting it's just. Yeah it's disgusting, and maybe I was looking at them for too long but that guy was Starting to look like Shawn.

" wait" I Jumped up using my hand to block the glare of the sun

" Eudora that's Shawn" I proposed, Eudora gave me that " bitch are you kidding me" look. Could you blame her especially since he'd started making a headline in our conversations since that day at the bleachers.

" son of a bitch" she yelled and I pushed her down awkwardly proceeding to cover her mouth. We both bursted into laughter slowly getting up, as the school door burst open. After the long anticipated 9th period was over, Ada, Arlo's cousin, came out the building jiggling the keys to her car. I grabbed the keys running towards the car when I saw Tony and Esme At the bus stop together. I knew that if they were to look behind them for a second I'd be the first person they saw. Should I call him and ask if he wanted a ride?. He was laughing with her and holding her bag. I felt a tap on my shoulder which made me turn around in shock.

" Hey, why are you so scared?" Ada asked me. All I could do was turn to where the bus stop was

" shit, Eudora, your sister, " Ada mumbled.

Eudora grabbed the keys from me getting into the car, and so did Ada

" Get in the car Gwen," Eudora shouted.

I sat in the front seat looking down at my hands when I felt Eudora make a huge u turn. I looked up seeing her stop right in front of Esme and Tony. I made eye contact with Tony and everything flowed right out my mouth " Hey Tony need a ride " I said leaning out the car, he laughed walking up to the window leaning against the door " Sure, but only if I get the seat your in " he smiled, I just froze not because he wanted my seat but because of his reaction in the first place, I rolled my eyes getting out the seat.

" you should know I don't do this for everyone " I said getting in the back with Ada

Tony got in, giving Esme her bag. The entire Time she didn't say a word But she did look at me a couple times, as if shocked to see me.

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