Chapter 21-You What..?

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After dinner it was time for movies. It started with what was probably a nightmare of Horace's, a bowl of soup getting spilled on his suit. It then changed to what you assumed to be a vision of you, as you stood outside in the rain, looking up at the sky above, grinning despite the weather. You looked away from the sky, instead directing your gaze at something else. Your grin widened as you walked out of frame.

The visions all faded away and the group walked outside for reset. Though you'd brown used to it, the reset itself still scared you. Except you hadn't fallen over since the first time. After the bomb was successfully lifted back into the sky and the formerly paused rain resumed, the children went back inside.

You remained outside, lifting your head to enjoy the rain with a smile on your face. "Y/n, what are you doing?" You looked back at her, smile widening as you walked over to her.

"I just love the rain." You said, grabbing her hand. You leaned over to the record of Run Rabbit Run, and began playing it again. "Dance with me?" You asked her, taking her other hand in your own and doing a small spin. She laughed and pretended to think about it for a moment.

"I suppose one song wouldn't hurt. It is only two minutes and forty seven seconds after all."

"Must you know the exact time for everything?"

"I'm always subconsciously timing everything, darling. Just a part of being an ymbryne. Now are we going to dance or stand here talking?" You took that as your cue to lead her further into the grass, away from everything else because you would most definitely ruin anything in the radius of you. Now you could not dance for shit, honestly only wanting to see Alma dance again.

Eventually you were able to back away from her while she was in her own little world and watch as she just had some sun, even if only for a moment. When she noticed your absence she looked up at you again, a small glare on her face. "Oh come here." She spoke, walking over to you and pulling you in by your waist. "You're not getting away from me again."

You bit back blush, wrapping your arms around her neck, linking your fingers as the two of you swayed back and forth. You leaned in closer to her, laying your head on her shoulder, face hidden in her neck. "I think I need to tell you something." She hummed and stopped swaying, waiting for you to continue. "I... I've sort of, fallen for you.. like hard..." You didn't look up at her face, nor did you let go of her.

"You what..?" You said nothing, scared to repeat yourself. There was a long moment both of you were quiet and stood perfectly still, the music had ended, leaving only the sound of crickets. She pulled away for a moment, though not removing her hands from your waist. The rain had started slowing to a point that she could tell what just slipped down your cheek was a tear rather than a raindrop.

You avoided her eyes, looking at everything but her. "Y/n, look at me." When you didn't comply she lifted one hand and grabbed you by the chin, making you look back at her. "In your time here, you've made me a lot happier. It's been some of the best days of my life, having you around." She paused to sigh. "What I'm trying to say is, I believe I've fallen for you as well."

"Wait.. really?" You asked, not sure if this was just some cruel joke or not.

"Really." You pulled her closer, hugging the taller woman tight, not wanting to ever let go. She gave a small laugh and hugged you back, just enjoying the moment.


I would've updated sooner but it's been a busy and bad freaking day. Hope this was alright

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