030. ; chapter thirty

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for you ;© vcnom_, hoyoverse

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for you ;
© vcnom_, hoyoverse

for you ;© vcnom_, hoyoverse

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chapter 30 ; family

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Scaramouche insisted on driving you home since it was almost late to let you go walk alone. Once you reached your house, you got off your car and so did he.

You turned your head to look at the window, noticing that the lights were turned on. Now that got you confused. Were you getting robbed right now?

"Someone's inside. Didn't you say your maid took a break?" The indigo-haired asked, intertwining his hand with yours.

"Mhm, she said she'll be home next week, so I don't think that could be her. Her mother is sick, after all." You responded, shaking your head to shake all the negative thoughts away.

"Should we go in?" He questioned, gripping your hand tightly to reassure you. "There could be a robbery! You'll protect me, right?" You responded, looking at him with a cheeky grin.

"Whatever. Stand behind me and let's go," with that, you did what he told you to. The two of you headed to the front door with you trailing behind him.

To both you and his surprise, the door's unlocked. Without any hesitation, he opened the door quietly to prevent the person inside from noticing your presence.

But to you and his dismay, the person still noticed you. Unfortunately. And to your surprise, you saw a familiar face.

"Oh, [y/n]! I've been looking for you everywhere, darling. Ah- and who's.. this?" A woman asked, her tone changed from being excited to being curious.

"Why are you home early, mom? And.. where's dad?" You asked, definitely ignoring her question as you looked around.

"He's upstairs in his room, talking to your future fiancé." Now, this caught you and Scaramouche off guard. You two looked at each other with a frown. Right now, the indigo-haired's plan to introduce himself to your mother was ruined.

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