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You woke to the sound of your friend shaking you. You opened your eyes. "You took one of those pills didn't you?" He asked. You nodded slowly. "They're pretty strong. You should drink some water." He said handing you a water bottle. "Thanks." You said. You sat up and turned your phone on and saw 68 missed calls and 49 texts from everyone at the house. You rolled your eyes and clicked the screen off. And you went to hang out with your friend.

Jeff's POV

I called (Y/N)'s phone like 60 times. and texted her as well. She ran off yesterday after I told her I couldn't tell her about anything that was happening. Toby said he found her in the woods and she said that she knew what he was. Which means she knows about everyone else too. And that's why she won't answer. I am going even more insane worrying about her. "Jeff come quick! He's here." BEN said running into my room. I shot up and ran downstairs and saw Zalgo talking to Offender. "Leave my daughter alone, Zalgo. She did nothing wrong." Offender growled. "Oh but she has. She's been distracting you from what's important since the day she was conceived." Zalgo said. "She's my daughter!" Offender yelled. "She doesn't love you anymore. You see my newest apprentice has told her all about you and now poor little (Y/N) can't stand the sight of you." Zalgo said. A girl that looked just like (Y/N) came into the house. "You're that thing she saw in the woods at the lake." I said. She smiled at me. "So you've heard of me? That's unfortunate." She said. "(Y/N) is afraid of all of you now. Thanks to me. I made you known to her as killers and she trusts me." She said. "Prove it!" I growled. "Sure thing, hot stuff." She smirked pulling a cell phone out. She dial a number and it began to ring. "Hello?" (Y/N)'s voice asked. "It's me. You know. You but a whole lot cooler. I know your with a friend so how about you go somewhere private." The girl said. (Y/N) whispered something to her friend and then I heard movement and footsteps. "What do you want?" (Y/N) asked out of breath. She must have ran up some stairs. "I wanted to talk to you about your father." The girl said. It was silent for a moment. (Y/N) breathed out and coughed. "What about him? The stuff that I've believed in or the whole him being a fucking murderer?" She asked. Offender teared up and Slender patted his back. "That part. So how's that news settling in?" The girl asked (Y/N). "Look I really can't talk I'm-" "Getting high with your junkie friend?" The girl interjected. It got really silent. "How did you-" "Know about the LSD? Don't make me laugh (Y/N) I know everything about you. I can see through your eyes. I can read your thoughts. Consider me like your eviler twin." She said. "Eviler?" (Y/N) asked. "Yeah. It's in your blood. Your father's a killer so you're a killer too." She said. "No. I'm not a killer. I'm not like my father. I'm not going to be like that. Not now. Not ever." (Y/N) said. "Don't hold your breath." The girl said before hanging up the phone.

"See? I told you. I should have put money on it." She said looking at me. I clenched my fists and LJ grabbed my shoulder. "There's a lot of anxiety in that little girl. Anxiety, self hatred and a deep belief that she is not wanted." Zalgo spoke. "And on top of that, she just found out that the only people that truly cared about her are killers. She must have the anxiety level of a mental hospital patient by now." He added. "She has a weak mind." He said. "She's very venerable. I wonder what would happen if I told her a personal favorite story of mine. The one about how I murdered her whore of a mother. I'm sure she'll just love it." Zalgo said. "Stay away from my cousin." Jack snarled. "She doesn't like you anymore, Jack. She trusts me. I'll tell her that you said hi though." The girl said. I'll call her "Evil (Y/N)" because I need to call her something other than (Y/N). "Go." Zalgo said to evil (Y/N). She skipped out the door. "I'll see you all soon." Zalgo said.

"They're going to (Y/N). Aren't they?" Jack asked Slender. "Not if we get there first." BEN said. "It's not that hard." He said. Everyone looked at him. "What did you just say?" Masky asked him. "I said it's it that hard." BEN repeated. "Not that, idiot! Before that." Jane said. "Not if we get there first?" BEN questioned. "What about it?" He asked. "BEN. Sometimes, you're a genius." LJ said as we all ran out to Slender's van. We drove off to get (Y/N). Hopefully before Zalgo and the evil (Y/N).

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