I woke up in the morning and it was 10 o clock! We're supposed to be at the dance studio at 11:30! The girls aren't in the house!I panicked and went to do my morning routine. I put on a grey crop top with my sports bra under, a pair of dance shorts and my silver jordans. I grabbed my keys, my iPod and was out the door. I hopped in my car and turned the radio on.
When I arrived there Christina, our new manager was talking with MB's choreographer.
Christina: Hey! Nat this is MB's choreographer. Let's go inside.
We went inside and it was kinda nice! It had a wooden floor and the walls were green.
I turned around and there was MB!
I went to go hug them.
Ray: Hey! What about me.
He put on a fake sad face. Then I went to go hug the rest of the boys.
Me: Wait what are you guys doing here?
Boys: We don't know
Christina: Well me, Trey (trey is 4ever young's choreographer) and MB's choreographer talked about you doing a dance together for MB's next concert to give you more publicity. And you're coming to the tour.
We all jumped up and down and hugged.
Trey came out and we all greeted. We did some coreo for the tour and then rehearsal was finished.
Prince: I can't believe you guys are coming on tour with us.
Jay: Yeah me neither. So is anyone else going to be coming on tour with us?
Prod: Yeah Diggy and Jacob Latimore.
Claire: Oh cool
Prince pulled me to a corner.
Prince: So Nat, I was wondering if you would come on a date with me?
Prince: cool so I'll pick you up at 7 at your house. Just wear something comfy.
Nat:*giggling uncontrollably* ok bye
Prince: *laughs* Bye
So basically all the girls got asked out by their favorite guy and are going to the same place but I'm not gonna tell you where yet.
OMG!! I gotta get ready for my date with Ray!!
I showered and put on a hi- low pink shirt and jean shorts with pink sandals. Then I put on a little bit of makeup for a natural look. I had my hair in a ponytail and it was curled.
Claire had on a blue summer dress with blue and silver sandals with her hair down and curled.
Natalie had on a lace black top with beige shorts and beige and black sandals. She had her hair in a ballerina bun.
Jay had on a summer dress too but it was pink with a black belt and she had on black sandals. Her hair was in a messy bun.
Then I heard the doorbell ring. I opened the door and there stood MB open mouthed. All of us went to close our date's mouths I almost rolled on the floor laughing!!
We got inside the black hummer and after 20 minutes, we pulled up to a carnival.
Girls: OMG!!
Boys: Surprise!!

Climbing To Stardom(A Mindless Behavior FanFiction)
FanfictionNatalie Jones is a 16 year old rich girl that lives in Florida. She goes to a beautiful Performers Arts High School. What happens when her favorite boyband Mindless Behavior visits her school and gives her an opportunity of a lifetime? You'll find o...