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The clock ticks, ticks, ticks, and Naruto can't stare hard enough at it.The class is taking forever, and he knows he will have to ask Shikamaru for his notes next week. The last thirty minutes have only been white noise to him.

At any other time, he would have left already. Hell, he would have left the moment his brain had decided to stop working properly, staying seated while being talked about shit he just couldn't process was annoying as fuck.

But he knows that it's either him waiting here with his leg bobbing up and down in anticipation while sending daggers to the clock above the whiteboard, or him prancing around the hallways, checking at his cellphone every second just to make sure that the time is actually passing and keeping himself from leaving this place to go see Hinata.

Hell, he knows the moment the class is over he'll sprint to her.

The bell rings, and Naruto grabs his stuff immediately, darting for the door before anyone else has even closed their notebooks. He says bye to Shikamaru without making sure if the man heard him at all and leaves with his bag still clasped tightly in his hand.

He runs.

Along the way, he puts his backpack on properly while dodging the other students that have begun to pour out into the hallways. Their campuses are far away, so Naruto sprints over. His hair is in his face, and he feels the sweat starting to pool at his back and armpits.

At any other time, he would have worried about this. With anyone else doubly so. But this is Hinata we're talking about. His girlfriend.

His girlfriend who made the first move back when they were in high school. Thank god.

He's sweaty, he knows, probably looking like a hot mess. He inhales deeply, trying to look a little less winded than he feels and looks around.

Hinata always takes her time; she only begins to put her things in order when the bell rings, her laptop and notebooks and binders, all neatly ordered inside her bag. Naruto checks his cellphone again, no new messages. She has to be still inside the building.

Some of the students leaving the place look at him like some sort of attraction, and Naruto ignores them. He knows what sort of rumors go around concerning him. An orphan who knew how to speak only using his fists, now the boyfriend of the heir to the Hyuga conglomerate. He has learned to tune it all out. It's not worth it.

He's trying to keep his hair away from his eyes when he catches Hinata's form among the students. She's wearing the skirt Naruto himself chose last night through their video call. He waits at the end of the stairs for her, staring and hoping she will feel his gaze and look back. Her eyes find him midway through the stairs.

She turns and says goodbye to the friend beside her, walks the rest of the stairs with a hastened pace, looking at her feet in order not to fall. It takes everything in Naruto not to grab her just before she reaches the ground and twirls her around.

Patience. Patience.

Hinata reaches the ground and smiles at him immediately after. That is enough to make him melt. She rummages through her bag and brings out a purple handkerchief she uses to dab Naruto's face, his forehead and neck, where the sweat pooled.

"Sorry about that."

She giggles, and Naruto is immediately entranced, "Did you run?"

"Yes." Her touch is comforting and something he knows by heart, and yet he can't help but lean into it, making her cup his cheek for a second.

"Do you want some water?"

"Nah, I'm fine," he pats the bag that slings over his shoulder, "got some water, too."

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