chapter 25

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Aron rode us to the park. It has become more of our place to talk and I am getting anxious being this comfortable.

I told him about the trouble lately with Piku and whole admission mess. He listened to me quietly and attentively which almost made me tell him about my past. I don't know if he can handle it. I do have a crush on him, he confessed to me kind of but do I want him to know about me? How much I know of him? Questions, questions, and more questions. Is getting into relationship this complicated?

I've been busy talking to myself that I forgot that he is right beside me. I looked at him thinking he might be on phone as I bored him with absolute silence but he was staring at me. Smiling doe eye of his which made my heart skipped a beat actually.

"Hi." I said mesmerizing.

Oh god, what is wrong with me?

"Hey." He said smiling.

Where are my heart beats running to all sudden? Oh God. Please this be the end of me before I speak something embarrassing.

"So, I have been thinking lately about you." the words are out of my mouth. I am so caught up in my mind that I almost miss him blushing.

"I have a crush on you and the thing to said before days. I think that..." he cut me off and raise his hands as if he is going to surrender.

"I am sorry to interrupt what you were saying but I need to make myself clear before listening to your confession, in case you don't regret later. So, may I?"

Oh no, he looks tense. I nodded and he said thank you taking a deep breath.

"I would be entering last year of college as this vacation but I dropped out willingly. My grades weren't that bad and I had a vision of life. I planned my life goals with my dad. Whenever I get confused he was always there of me with his pros and cons and little life speech which felt like a bore that time and I missed that a lot." He giggled.

"I never wanted to attend college, I wanted to work at shop with my dad. He promised me that after graduation he will allow me work full time at shop with him. That was the only reason I was hurrying to finish college. It seems stupid, right?"

"No, it doesn't." I said.

"Sorry to put you in this situation." He said.

"You don't have to be sorry. It's okay if you want to quit college and help with the stores."

"Yeah but I am worried about my sister and mom. Will they understand? Or I am just a disappointment to them? because my sister is mad at me lately. She argues with me all the time about this."

"I don't know your sister but she has been though a lot too, right? She also lost her dad and she might have some unsaid things stuck in her head. Have you told her your heart heavy feelings?"

"No. I don't know how."

"Want me to help you??"

He nodded.

"So, about the thing I was going to say earlier. I want you know that I am still healing. I am not mentally strong. It's been weeks dad passed away but I am still grieving and I don't know when this will stop. The night I saw you at the book club party the second time, I was running away from people but not from you. There was this sudden sense of urge to talk to you, to see you smile, to steal glance. I don't know how I felt this all sudden but I do. I don't want to run away from you but I don't want to keep you in dark lying about me."

Why are my heart beat running so fast and why are my palm sweating? Damn it, global warming. It's you the damn climate change toying with this, right?

Come to sense Rashi. This is real. The confession is real. The guy who you have been crushing, confessed. The guy who you were worried about knowing nothing about him, he told you about him.

So, what are you worried about? Tell him about you. Tell him how you were married, kidnapped, divorced, knew about your sister is dead and father is now in jail almost. Tell him!


"Yes, Rashi."

"I have something to tell you."

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