Naughty (LIME)

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She stayed over at her house. Elisabeth was hungover the next day and Maria took care of her. They had been laying tongue kissing on her bed for hours before Maria went home.

She tried to think of Elisabeth's warm lips and soft tongue while she was being heavily abused by her mother for being late again.

'Maria has a boyfriend, hahaha!' Her sisters laughed at her when they saw her bruised face.

'No, who would want an ugly bitch like you?'

'I don't have a boyfriend, stupid bitches!' Maria screamed and cried.

'Baby! Cry. Crybaby!'

They went further next time. They touched each other’s bodies.

Elisabeth slipped her hand under her blouse and chuckled when she noticed that she wasn’t wearing anything underneath it. 

'You dressed up for the occasion, didn’t you?' She whispered.

'No… I don't have anything to wear to support them… my sisters…'

'Anyway.' Elisabeth placed her hand in her blouse.

Maria gasped as Elisabeth touched her boobs. No one had ever touched them before and it made her feel wonderful. 

'They're… soft,' she whispered. She put her hands on them. Maria felt them getting hard.

As Elisabeth started to rub over her nipple, she moaned softly. 'Ooooh, fuck…' 

Elisabeth gently rubbed her nipple and she started to giggle. It was so exciting.

Elisabeth gently stroked her cheek. She rubbed her shoulders and then back to her boobs.

Elisabeth massaged her boobs with her hands. Maria just stared with an open mouth. 

'Fuck, Elisabeth…' She whispered.

Elisabeth smiled and rubbed her nipple even harder. Maria lost it.

She threw her head back and screamed: 'Ooooh, fuck, fuck!'

Elisabeth smiled and rubbed her even more. Maria looked at her in awe. Elisabeth pressed her knee against her crotch. Maria moaned again. 

Maria was shaking heavily. She could cum within seconds. Elisabeth noticed it and pressed her knee against her crotch even more firmly. 

'I-I want to…' Maria moaned. 

'Sssh, Jenny is here.' Elisabeth unbuttoned her blouse. She also wanted to see her boobs. 

Maria stopped her. 'No.'

'Maria… I want to see your boobs,' she whispered.

'Not now… okay?' She whispered.

'Okay,' Elisabeth sighed. She had to respect Maria. And not do anything she didn't want her to. 

'Do you want to see mine?' She asked Maria. She already started to remove her corset. 

'They're begging you to touch them…' Elisabeth stroked her boobs through her dress.

Maria nearly screamed as she saw more and more of her bare skin.

But she felt too tense.

'No. When we make love, okay?' Maria said.

'Okay. Can I kiss you?'

She moaned very softly when Elisabeth kissed her. And then, she couldn’t control herself anymore. She was about to cum so hard.

'I'm gonna-' She whispered.

'I know. C'mon, just cum.' Elisabeth whispered.

Maria lost it and began to squirt all over her underwear.

'Ooooh, look,' Elisabeth whispered seductively. 'Naughty girl… I haven’t even touched your most sensitive spot yet…'

They decided to make love the next time she came over. Elisabeth had seduced her and told her not to worry. 

And that time is now. 

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