S2 visitors from the church

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{Yn pov}

It's the next morning at school and currently I'm in the student council room with akeno sitting next too me, while I'm sweating bullets

Yn: this is so embarrassing.

I say that because the reason I'm here is cause sona and akeno want to discuss tsubaki's feeling for me, sona is currently reading off a list list of tsubaki's pro and cons too akeno while tsubaki Stands next to her a blushing mess as sona finishes

Sona: so akeno with all the evidence I just listed do you believe tsubaki passes and is fit too date yn?

Akeno ponders as she places a finger on her chin

Akeno: umm, let me think about it for a second.

While she think I'm still trying to figure out why there doing this

Yn: (thoughts) what the hell is going on? Why does it seem like there giving tsubaki a back ground test for a job interview, I mean I get that they care about me but it's not like I'm some kind of prize or anything

As I finish my thought akeno speaks up

Akeno: okay tsubaki.

Tsubaki stiffens up at the mention of her name

Tsubaki: y-yes a-akeno

Akeno: before I give my final verdict would you like to say a few words

Tsubaki nods and steps forward a little bit, as a sweat drop forms in the back of my head

Yn:(thoughts) now it seem less of a job interview and more of a court case

Tsubaki then clears her throat before she speaks

Tsubaki: now I know I haven't spent nearly enough time with him compared to you and sona, but I promise my feels are a hundred percent genuine and I would never do anything to hurt him, I just ask for a chance too show that my love is real

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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