Run down

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Well, let me think... We are well really old, like I was born in 1202 no 1203 yeah 1203. That's it. And no it had nothing to do with witches or that kind of thing, but there are witches, wizards, warlocks all the same thing. But on topic, While my mother was pregnant with my eldest brother Henry she was bitten, but not by any kind of person. She was bitten by a bat and it changed her and baby Henry. She didn't mean too but she killed Henry's biological dad when she first became a vampire feeding off of him(oops.) She thought she could never have kids again since she could never age another day after that one bite.
She moved from place to place so no one could tell she wasn't aging. But sooner or later she meet my other brother Edward and I's dad. My mother and him fell in love with him she told him her secret and by that point Henry had also stopped aging. After living 17 years a normal life, he began to need more than just regular food he craved blood. He ran off due to his crave of blood and while he was gone my mother discovered 2 things, conceiving Edward and turning my father Charles into a vampire. I was born 17 years later.

And here I am. I'm an 811 year old stuck in the body of a 17 year old. Most people would love to be 17 again, but after being 17 for 794 extra times is pretty boring. Yes I have gotten to do so many things but still where is the fun anymore.

Most chapters will be much longer but that was a little bit about how they were created.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2015 ⏰

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