Just the Beginning...

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The Beginning

BUZZ. BUZZ. Cracking my eyes open I take a peek at my screen and it's 8 in the morning. Groaning I get out of bed and slowly throw some clothes on, put my hair up in a bun and start to brush my teeth and wash my face. Sometimes I wonder why I agree to get out of bed this early. Either way it's for my friend, I promised her I would go with her to the park today. This better be worth it, or I got out of bed for nothing ruining my beauty sleep. Note the sarcasm.

I start to descend down the stairs so gracefully might I add, ha fuck that I tripped and hit my foot in every possible way any one human could find a way to. When I finally got to the bottom I went to grab a snack,my bag, and keys almost out the door when I hear my name being called.

"Dawn!" I poked my head around the wall of the steps. "Yes dad?" Wondering what on earth he wanted in the first damn place. "Your leaving? where are you going?" He shouts down to me as if I couldn't hear him even though I was practically two feet away. I rolled my eyes and said, "I'm going to the park dad with Gabby." He shouts once again and says, "Alright."

See my dad is overly protective even though i'm 18 but he still let's me do things, but sometimes it's like he never listens. He goes by Sean his name of course. Anyway getting side tracked here, I head out the door and text my friend Gabby that i'm coming and to be ready. I don't know what it is today but you know that funny feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you feel something was going to happen? Well that's how i'm feeling today.

Once I get to her door I knock, still wondering why in the hell am I knocking in the first place. It's a different age that's why we have phone's, what the hell is wrong with me. I pull out my phone and text her to get her crazy ass outside. With that I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and hear her yell bye mom. She opens the door and I see she is dressed just as relaxed as me.

We both had on jeans and a pull over and worn out converse. Great minds think a like I guess.We start heading down the sidewalk towards the park making small talk about the latest news. Once we finally reach the park we head towards the swings. Gabby starts swinging and people watching.She points out this guy and he looks really cute but who are we kidding we are not anything special, so I don't pay him any mind.

Several hours pass by and we start to get tired and I suggested we head back. We jump off the swings and start heading to the park exit but out of the corner of my eye I see the guy Gabby pointed out heading over towards us. I stop and turn towards him, he was really cute, nice teeth, tall and nicely built. He had on Jordan's and khaki color pants with a simple tee.

I was standing here dumbstruck trying to figure out if he got lost on his way to the bathroom and needed help finding it. Turns out he didn't once he opened up that pretty mouth of his and spoke the words that made me feel as though I was flying." I saw you from far away and i wanted to talk and get to know you. Can we chill sometime?" He waited for a response.

A squeak left my lips and i mentally face palmed myself. With that I opened my mouth and said "sure" and rattled off my number to him. Not knowing that this my friend's is where my life starts to take a turn.


Hey guy's so this is my new story yes i will start to update for my story the mistake really soon just been a lot of stuff going on in my life at the moment.

So just a bit of background on this story. This story is mainly 70% based off my life. there is some parts that are just thrown in. Any editing errors will be fixed over time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2015 ⏰

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