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We suddenly stopped i mean the driver stopped the jeep !

Sanku:why you stopped??

David silently jump from the jeep
Everyone face was expression less

He gestured us and said bye!
And start walking slowly slowly and fade away after sometimes...

And our jeep started again
We continuously asked the driver but he didn't said a single word

I was worried about him(david) but not really

Everyone was scared now a lil that why did this driver didn't said anything where did david go? And  where he is taking us ??
We don't have the phones too! We can't even tell someone
If i had a chance to call someone it will be obviously aash first
And about my family i have written 1000 letters for this day in which i first time expressed myself and telled them i love my parents! And they get that letters in a box which will be opened only that day when i will be not here i mean in this world !!
I do everything seriously that not a joke

Everyone say me again & again that giving life is not a joke ! Pls somone tell them i have thinked about it more than million of time ! And that's how it's become my dream

But now it really hit hard !

We all were not saying anything but also talking with our face & body gestures so that driver can't listen us

Everyone aasumed that driver will not take us to where he should and take us something far from that place...

And we decided not to jump from the jeep and stays there

And........Everyone aasumed that driver will not take us to where he should and take us something far from that place...

And we decided not to jump from the jeep and stays there !!

We shouted !! And i know something is goona happen like that only
the other solider betrayed us and jump from running jeep ! and they were okay! The driver was still driving and not said a single word
He was driving too fast that our hair was dancing

I was only thinking that soldiers(who jumped) will go where at this night but the good news was they were together so they can manage someting and contact coach

There was only three people in jeep now me & another guys &driver
Whom idk properly

I asked him his name
And he replied with
:i'm manav chabra !!
Sanku: you know me right

This boy always seem in tension i never asked him why he is always like that ! I still wanna ask him but i will not coz the situation was like that

We both did a handshake and decided to fight whatever that goona be

Everyone left their guns with us and jumped so we were having one advantage that if anything happen we can have extra gun but we are only 2 people !

But still my dream "stands" if i die then manav will be alone

The situation is turning terrible

Aash side ♡

It's almost 2 days since he haven't replied me
Did that david did something again??

Or strict training !
How can i know!

they just have completed 8 month of practise and the next month sanku can join army and i am not ready
I still have to convey him to live and fight for country not to die
And before next month he can't go there
1 month is there and i can do everything !

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