Chapter 2

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I looked around at all the faces staring at me. A few I recognised, kinda like a deja-vu which I couldn't explain, and the others looked confused.

I looked around the room. Not a hospital but also like a lab?

I felt someone squeeze my fingers rubbing my knuckles comfortingly. 

I moved my good arm away from the girl clutching my fingers and tried to sit up. I bit my tongue to prevent myself from screaming from the pain. Without even looking, I knew I probably didn't look great. Painted in bruises and cuts with a broken arm.

Yeah definitely not a good look?

A blonde haired man approached me. I couldn't handle the pain anymore and let out a slight whimper. He gently but forcefully pushed me back down on the bed.

My head hit the soft pillow and I grimace from the pain I was in. I give in to him. I felt so exhausted, it was overwhelming my body and combined with the pain it was a miracle my eyes were still awake. 

"Just relax sweetie," the girl said holding my hand again. 

All my feelings churned up inside me. Bubbling and fizzing turning into some sort of potion. I couldn't tell what it was. Fear? Pain? Just tiredness? I didn't understand.

I could hear hustling and bustling about  and I saw another male figure approach. He was holding a gas mask in his hand. I could hear the gas inside fizzing and feel the air hit my face as he came closer. 

With no hesitation, he pushed it against my face. 

I wriggle and squirm as the flashbacks flow through. I use both my arms, fighting through the unbearable pain, I push his hands away leaving the masks rubber surface to leave my face. He goes to put it on me as the girl and the other man come closer to hold me down. I push the girl against the wall and jump off the bed.

I see a door on the opposite side of the room and run.

I could hear the pounding of footsteps behind me and the shouts of voices as I ran. The building was so big that I couldn't tell where to go. I could feel myself begin to panic.

"Stay focused," I wheezed as I kept running. 

I ran into another room. Sofas sat dotted around with a coffee table standing tall in the middle of the room. Another girl with dark red hair pulled into a braid was sitting on the sofa. She was watching the large tv intently throwing popcorn into her mouth every few seconds.

She looks up and sees me. She had dark emerald eyes reminding me of the forest I was in and longed to get back too. 

She quickly got to her feet not looking away from me. The thundering footsteps had stopped and I could see the other girl and the blonde haired man staring at me. I saw the lift in the corner of my eye and stairs in the other corner. A plan quickly brewed and planted inside my head taking root instantly.

I made a break for it.

I charged towards it before quickly turning, throwing them off the scent and ran the other way to the stairs. 

I would have made it.

If it wasn't for the redhead.

She ran towards me and grabbed me. She wrapped her arms around my chest and pulled my back into her chest holding me close similar to a hug. 


I grabbed the child. 

I wrapped my arms round them being careful of their arm, restraining them but still giving them an element of comfort. I could hear them crying, a horrible sound like they were being strangled and were screaming. They were muttering things. Each one broke my heart.

"No. Not again. Please. Please!" they begged repeating themselves again and again. 

I looked towards the others not knowing what had caused this kid to be in such a wreck. A tear slipped down Wanda's face. She hated seeing people in pain - mentally or physically it didn't matter. 

I spun them around so they were facing my face. I hug them being extremely careful of their broken arm. Their tears dripped onto my shoulder soaking the soft fabric of my shirt.

I look over towards Steve. He mouths the word surgery. I smile and nod before continuing to comfort Y/N. 

I pull away and look at Y/N. I wipe their tears away with my thumb and smile at them soothingly. I take their good hand and wrap my fingers around theirs.

Slowly, I walk them back to the lab. As I do, I explain everything that has happened.

Cap finding her. Her broken arm. What Bruce is going to do.

It took them a little longer for me to lead her into the lab but they do eventually and reluctantly. I sit them on the bed.

Bruce hears us enter and walks over to us. I feel Y/N tense up as he stops in front of her. I rest my arm around her shoulder and rub her arm softly trying to keep them calm.

If I only knew what I knew now. 

I would have hugged her tighter and closer and sworn to protect her forever.

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