First year at Hogwarts

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Harry was awokend by his aunt Petunia pounding on his cupboard door and yelling at him too hurry up. He took his glasses from next to the few blankets that he was allowed to lay on and as he got ready to leave his cousin,Dudley, came running down the stairs and started jumping on them, causing dust to fall from the roof. Dudley then came down and shoved Harry back into the cupboard and slammed the door shut as he was leaving his cupboard. All the while yelling for him to wake up and that they are going to the zoo. when Harry got to the kitchen he was told to cook breakfast."Boy set the table while your at it." Vernon Dursley, his uncle said."Yes uncle Vernon," Harry replied.

After Harry set the table and served the Dursley's breakfast, he stood to the side waiting for them to finish eating so that he could just maybe be allowed the scraps of what they ate. After eating Vernon told him to do the dishes and harry knew he wasn't allowed to eat.

"How many are there?" Dudley asked in a demanding tone. "36 counted them myself," Vernon said sounding proud of himself. "But- but kast year i had 37!" Dudley yelled in an angry tone. "But some of them are bigger-" Vernon was interrupted by Dudley, "I do't care how big they are!"  "How about we go too the zoo and then we can get you two new presents there?" Petunia interrupted her husband and sons argument. Dudley and Vernon both agreed with this.

"But unfortanately the boy will have to come too as Miss Figgs is to ill to take care of him. At this Harry was shocked. Because this will be the first time he is allowed to leave the house. When hearing this Dudley had a massive fit, saying that the freak was going to ruin his birthday. Vernon then told Harry that there would be no funny bussiness while out, after Harry nodded he was told to change.

After he went to the car. The whole drive too the zoo was filled with Dudley complaining about Harry having to come with. After two minutes of driving they reached abig building that said 'The Animal Sanctuary'. It was an old looking building with white walls that will forever be stained an ugly yellow-ish, grey-ish colour, with a big roof painted a dark navy colour. You could tell if the outside was painted over it would have been an amazing building to look at.

The inside looked to be in better shape than the outside. With white marbel floors and peach coloured walls with differnet  animals painted on. At the entrance there was a map that showed you the all the diferent animal enclousures. Dudley decided he wanted to go to the 'Reptile House' because he decided it will be cooler than the other animals.

When they got there Dudley imediatly went to a dark green Boa constrictor, it was qiute large for it's species. Dudley stared at the snake in wonder until that got boring for and he started baniging on the window between the constrictor and him while yelling at him to wake up." Dad tell it to wake up!" Dudley told his father as if he thought that his father would be able too wake it up. Vernon cautiously knocked on the window, " Wake up!" he said. The snake didn't wake up.

"He is boring let's go somewhere else." Dudley said while walking, his parents walking after him. "Sorry about him he just doesn't know when to give up" Harry didn't notice that he slipped into parceltounge."Your a ssspeaker?" 'Oh I didn't know I slipped into parcel...' Harry thought surprised.Harry found out he could speak to snakes when he was running away from Dudley and ended up in the woods and saw a snake and pleaded with it not to eat him, the snake understood him and assured him she wouldn't eat him and told him that she never met a human that could talk the snake langauge but her mother told her that if she was too find such a person she should not harm them as people like that is very rare. While speaking to the snake Harry failed to notice that his cousin saw the snake moving and he came running towards them and when he reached them he shoved Harry away. Harry was very angry at Dudley. It was then that he performed accedental magic in the first time in years as he was scared he would gat another bad beating and would be left to starve till they remembered to feed him. The glass pannel keeping the snake inside suddenly vanished and Dudley fell straight into the giant water bowl in the enclousure. Dudley stared in didbelieve at the snake, while the snake slithered out. "Thanksss" said the snake. Harry nodded at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2022 ⏰

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