My Sunshine On A Dark Night

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It was getting dark outside, the colors of the sunset fading away in the night sky. As Seungmin watched the sun fall down, he felt something hit his hand. He slowly looked up, a rain drop hitting his nose. The boy smiled, wiping off the water. He stood up from the staircase he was sitting on, walking back inside the dorms.

"Hello!!" He called, opening the door. As he walked in, he didn't hear anyone say hello back. He walked around the dorm, looking in the bedrooms to see it empty. He pulled out his schedule, realizing that everyone is gone to do something but him. Seungmin smiled, realizing he had the whole dorm to himself. He instantly jumped on the couch, grabbing a bag of chips and scrolling through Netflix.

It was about 7:30, the light sparkle of the sun passing the horizon shining through the window. The rain fell heavier now, Seungmin was afraid It could cut the power at some point if it continued like this. He was watching (and quoting) every line from the movie he put on, knowing it by heart. He cried when his favorite character died, even though he has watched this movie thousands of times and already knows how it ends. That's when a white shine came through the window, leaving just as fast as it came. Just seconds later, the lights flickered, instantly sending Seungmin into a panic. He grabbed his phone, running off to his room. The second he closed the door, the lights flicked off. this time, not coming back on. He pulled out his phone, turning on the flashlight and finding his way around the dark room.

He eventually found his way to his bedside table, shining his phone over a small, battery power nightlight that he kept for emergencies like this. He flicked it on, only illuminating lightly.

"Come on... Please" as he spoke to himself. the nightlight flickered, turning off second's after, the batteries where dead. All he had was his phone, which was only on 16%, to his luck. He instantly tried to call Minho, but it didn't go through.

"Fuck... The WiFi's down" that's when it kicked in. The darkness of the room was swallowing him whole, taking over the room. He slowly climbed in his bed, getting under the covers. Laying under the blankets almost felt worse, anything could be in his room, and he wouldn't know. He peeked out of the blankets, seeing pure darkness. Anything could be standing in his room right now, and it's too dark to see. He scanned his room, trying to make out shapes. His eyes settled on the corner of the room. He couldn't help out imagine if someone was actually there. That's when he pulled out his phone again, turning on his flashlight and shining it in the corner. Of course, there was nothing there. He needed his phone at this point, not having any light source scarred him to the core. So there he was, playing random things on his phone to pass the time, looking at his battery every two seconds almost.

5%. His phone was almost dead. He couldn't help but start panicking, pulling up his contacts. He called Minho again, this time actually going though. He picked up seconds later, but everything was glitching. The call disconnected, his phone screen going black.

Fucking idiot, he could have just found new batteries for the light while he still had battery in his phone. Seungmin tapped his phone screen, trying and failing to turn it back on.

It was painfully quiet, every rain drop that hit the roof could be heard easily. It was so quiet, that he heard the front door slowly creek open, clear as day. He flinched, who the hell would be home? Nobody gets off for a least another hour. Unless, it wasn't a member. Shit, did he lock the dorms? What's that just some rando? He dove back under the covers, not wanting to leave. There was a knock on the door, then a voice. A very familiar, and lovely voice.

"Darling? Can I come in?" Seungmin smiled to minho's voice, but he couldn't speak. It's like his voice was shot, he tried to speak but nothing came out. Minho opened the door, light of his phone flashlight flooding in. Seungmin couldn't help but feel better knowing there was a little light.
"Hi, you ok? Do you need me?" Seungmin nodded, even though Minho couldn't see him. He guessed that Minho understood the silence, as the older climbed in bed with Seungmin.

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