Working Late

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(Lotus's pov)

Me and my siblings were playing outside with Dina by the garden. "So you are their other sibling that Lotus and Atlas talked about?" Dina asked and Femi nodded. "I'm their sister. My name is Femi" she said. "Nice to meet you. I'm Dina, the daughter of Momiji and Ricarro" Dina said with a smile.

We played until the sun went down which got our attention. "It's been nice playing, Dina. It's about bedtime" Atlas said. "Oh ok. Oh yeah I should go back to mom" she said and ran off as me and Femi waved.

We all walked up the steps and entered the house. We opened the door and walked into the bedroom we all shared."I'm going to go to bed early" Femi said. "Alright Femi, goodnight " I said and she got into her bed. She pulled her blanket over her and turned on her side, falling asleep.

Atlas sat on his bed and looked at me. "I'll be here until I fall asleep" he said and I nodded. I turned off the lights and walked out of the room, closing the door. I went to my parents' room to see Dad sitting on the bed on his phone texting I'm assuming one of his sisters but he didn't notice me.

I walked down the hall, I was not tired yet so I do this out of habit to make myself exhausted. I pass by Dad's office where Papa studies for work and I curiously walked over.

"Papa?" I asked and his head turned to me. "huh? Oh hey Lotus. You should be in bed" he said and I shake my head. "It's night time, Papa. You'll be grouchy tomorrow " I said and he smiled as he moved his chair. I walk over and he hugged me, which I returned. "Lotus. Please go to bed" he said and kissed my forehead (parent love). I sighed as I left the office and walked back down the hall.

I quietly open the bedroom door and walk in, careful not to wake my siblings. I quietly close the door and walk to my bed. I get in quietly and cover myself with the blanket, falling asleep as soon as I closed my eyes.

(Bryan's pov)

I put my phone on the nightstand and get up. I exit the bedroom and walked down the hall, stopping at my kids' bedroom. I smiled as I saw all my children sleeping in their beds, Femi and Lotus cuddling their pillows.

I walked down the hall to my office and walked in the room. I crossed my arms and clear my throat, seeing him immediately look at me. "And why aren't you in bed?" I asked, walking over.

"Dear, you know I have to finish this" he said but I grab the top of the chair, turning it to face me. "You can finish it tomorrow. It's not going anywhere" I said. "But I have to finish it today, Mitch needs it done" he said and I rolled my eyes.

I grabbed his arms and I pulled him up. "You are doing it tomorrow and that's final!" I said as I pull him behind me, going down the hall to our bedroom and entering the room. I close the door and made him sit on the bed. I walk over to the bed and stand in front of him. 

"Honey, I'm sorry. It's just that I really need to-" he said but I cut him off with a kiss. I could tell he was surprised at the sudden action but kissed me back. I push him backwards and broke the kiss, leaning over him. "Promise me you won't stay up anymore and go to bed?" I asked and he grinned.

"I promise" he said and I stand back up. I walked around and got into the bed under the covers and snuggled against him. "Good" I said. He chuckled and kissed my head. We stayed awake for a while just talking and flirting. "Dad? Papa?" I turned my head to see Lotus standing in our doorway (pretend the house has doors) and I give them my attention.

"Yes Lotus?" They walked over to my side of the bed and tried to get up but couldn't so I helped them. "I couldn't sleep" they said. "Nothing's working?" Inpu asked and they shook their head. "No. The medicine is not working. I just feel pain" they said.

Me and Inpu exchange looks. "You can sleep with us, maybe the pain will be a little less painful" I suggested and they nodded. Inpu scooted over, making space and Lotus laid down. We laid back down and I had an arm over Lotus. "Goodnight dad, night papa" they said. "Night Lotus " me and Inpu both said, seeing him fall asleep.

A few minutes later, I started to fall asleep and so did he.

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