For You | chapter 1

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"you my baby for you ima end em"

Melodys pov
"why would you make me come to the deli if you didn't have no money" i asked frustrated because it was cold and we walked for apparently nothing.

"exercise?" ivyona giggled nervously moving her eyes everywhere biting on her bottom lip.

"foreal ivy you on bad timing right now what or who the hell you looking for?" i asked my bestfriend.

"aight fine, it's this dude that come here every day 'round this time and ian never spoke to him but he so fine" she let out a deep breath like a weight lifted off her shoulder.

"my made me walk in the cold for a nigga you ain't talked to? come on son" i whined.

"yeah..but ion see him" she shifted on each leg back on forth. she better be lucky i love her on god.

she looked at me with hopeless eyes waiting for me to go off on her at any minute now. i smacked my teeth shaking my head and pulling my phone out my grey joggers.

i found the contact i was looking for before hitting the call button. it rung four times before i heard him pick up.

"my heart wassup?" he asked as soon as he picked up.

"big brother please send me ten dollars to get something from the deli" i whined.

"melody no" he answered. "what deli you at?" he asked right after.

"the one by the house" i rolled my eyes. "i'm comin' stay there" he answer before i heard the three beeps indicating he hung up.

i smacked my teeth. "yo why brothers gotta be so complicating he could've easily sent me the ten dollars" i crossed my arms trying to keep the heat close to my body.

"who? edot?" ivy asked snapping her head towards me. "no nigga i have another brother named ddot" i mocked her obviously joking.

"huh? who said my name?" a light skin boy around 5'7 or 5'8 asked coming out the deli with a bag of chips with a clear lisp while saying "said" . he looked left then right noticing me and ivy.

"one of yall said my name?" he asked a more clear question this time while lifting his eyebrow. i was too shocked to process what he was asking.

"what's yo name?" ivy asked.

"well i know you not the one who said my name cause that's not the voice i heard. so it was you" he said bringing his hand out of his bag of chips to point at me.

we heard the bell ring meaning someone else was walking out as well. actually not one person but two people walked out stopping behind the boy.

the three of them standing there all had some similarities like they could be brothers. one was shorter than the other two. they was all fine though.

ivyona nudged her shoulder onto mine and i mumbled 'what' moving my head to hers. she look at me with wide eyes moving them between me and one of the boys that walked out.

i quickly got the hint forming my mouth into a 'o' and nodding my head. this was who she was looking for

"helloooo" the boy said, "is you gon' yell me why you said my name?" he asked throwing his finished chip bag on the ground.

"ddot?...your name is ddot?" i asked for reassurance.

"yeah and that's dd and notti" he pointed to the boys behind them. "wassgood dd-" i started "and notti" ivy cut me off. must be the one she likes.

"ayo edot wassup my heart" ddot said walkin past me and ivy to..well my brother. "what's good know my sister?" edot said dapping him up.

"sister?!" ddot, notti, and dd said in sync widening their eyes in shock.

now noticing them better. i couldn't tell at first because dd and notti had on masks.

" sister melody. why?" He said walking over to notti and dd to dap them up too.

"man i thought yo sister would be ugly" ddot said eyeing me up and down. edot pushed his shoulder before saying "watch how you talkin son"

"man fuck this i'm hungry" ddot said before walking to the deli entrance. "bro me too. edot did you bring money?" i said with a full blown attitude.

"hell no. fuck you talkin bout" he said quick as hell. "man i'll buy you something let's go" ddot said walking in.

motherfucker couldn't wait he must really be hungry. i shrugged before walking over and walking in and everyone followed.

i grabbed takis and a gatorade walking up to the register waiting for ddot who was stuffing his arms with all typa snacks.

he came over to the register paying for my shit. "thanks G i fucks with you" i said nodding as i opened my chips walking out.

"you and ddot gonna be great friends" notti said as he watched how i ate. "fuck is that supposed to mean" i laughed at him.

dd smacked his teeth. "man take it how you want..can we fucking go now this bitch lame" he said as his eyes sized me up and down.

"watch how you talk to my sis dick" edot poked his chest. "yeah twin ain't do shit" ddot added. notti nodded his head in agreement.

"man whateva" he turned around and walked away. the fuck did i do to that nigga? and to think i thought he was fine.

"ay ma can i get your number?" notti said walking over to ivyona. she blushed before nodding not speaking. he gave her his phone and she put it in.

"aight i gotta go catch up with my brother" he said turning around and jogging to dd. so they are brothers.

"bye twinnnn" ddot said dragging out 'twin' "ayo edot come with us we gotta talk" he added.

"boy stop talking with yo mouth full" i joked. "aight we out son" i linked my arms with ivy walking the opposite way.

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