chapter 16 • made me want to vomit because he loved me so much

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the last time we went to the drive in, the car was less spacious.

vance suggested to decorate the back of a pick up truck, and to do the same thing we did the last time.

it looked, and felt, much better.

i yawned.

the sun was about to set. fluffy blankets lined the floor i laid on.

"where's everyone else?" mia questioned.

"not here yet, obviously." vance answered. "good. now we can talk!"

he positioned himself comfortably, head rested in mias lap.

a pillow was trapped in his arms.

"so, what's up with you and finney?" vance questioned.

"you're a nosey bitch." i laughed.

"this is a bet to make finney blake fall in love with you. the boy who used to hate you. its like watching tv right in front of me. i'm a live studio audience!"

"he didn't hate me that much."

"apparently not, because all it took was one kiss and now he's basically in love with you. this is the funniest shit ever."

𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐆𝐔𝐌, finney blakeWhere stories live. Discover now