chapter 22 • he was so sweet that he rot her teeth

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the entire group posed for a picture.

my father smiled behind the phone.

'he's gonna tell us to do a silly one.' cherry thought.

"very cool." my dad shoved the phone in his pocket. "go have fun."

"there are so many people here." mia looked out onto the backyard full of guests. "and i have to greet all of them."

"that sucks." vance laughed.

"with you." mia took him by the arm.

vance forced a smile on his face to seem polite, and the pair walked off.

"she looks so good." i smiled.

"yeah, she does." robin agreed. "but i look even better."

he did a spin in his suit.

"you're all wearing the same thing." gwen pointed out. "me and cherry look better."

"you're both wearing the same thing too." finney pointed out.

"you don't think i look good?" i questioned.

"you look great. but i look greater." finney shrugged.

"that's the most candy i've ever seen in my entire life. would people judge me if i stole half of it?" gwen analyzed the array.

𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐆𝐔𝐌, finney blakeWhere stories live. Discover now