chapter 24 • necklace, which was slowly choking her to death

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mia was carrying a packet of paper.

vance was trying to pop his gum as many times as he possibly could.

"what is that?" cherry questioned, looking over at the packet.

"our homework?" mia reminded. "have you guys seriously not been doing it?"

"i have!" vance said. "i actually have this time."

"i haven't." cherry said, instantly.

"how are you gonna go to college? do you even want too?" mia questioned, shoving the finished packet into her opened locker.

cherry shrugged. "i haven't thought about it yet. i have money. why else would i go to college?"

"for an education?"

"that's what i'm doing here."

"not if you're not doing your homework."

"we can do it later."

"you always say that, and we go shopping instead."

"you don't like it?"

"i love it. i just don't like carrying the bags after."

𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐆𝐔𝐌, finney blakeWhere stories live. Discover now