Chapter 3

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Team Scorpion and the Winchesters made their way to the crime scene where they found 4 deceased males in a room that seemed completely untouched. Team scorpion concluded that someone had hacked their way into the government facility, but they weren't yet sure as to why?

The Winchesters simply observed until Dean noticed something, a dagger with a rose wrapped around it burnt lightly onto the outside of a file cabinet so that it was barely noticeable. Frantically, Dean tapped Sam on the shoulder "what?" Sam snapped but in a hushed voice, trying not to disturb the geniuses.

"Sammy, that's Rose's tattoo" Dean says, pointing to the file cabinet. Sam squints to look at it but he eventually sees it and turns to Dean, giving him a how-do-you-know look. "I saw it when we were on our date, it was on her left shoulder, but I didn't get time to ask her about it, the tattoo is exactly the same as that, down to the last detail" Dean rambles.

"It's possible that someone just has the same tattoo as Rose, I know you miss her but that doesn't mean that she's alive in this world or that she even exists at all" Sam explains, not wanting to sound too harsh.

"You're probably right..." Dean thinks for a moment "but what if it is her? Don't I deserve to find out?"

"Dean, even if it is Rose, which it probably isn't, she won't be the same one you fell in love with". Hearing Sam's words made Dean realise that he was probably just looking for clues that simply weren't there, but nonetheless he told Team Scorpion about his theory, and out of desperation they decide to investigate.

After less than an hour of going through the files in that cabinet, the government officials who ran the building concluded that there was a file missing, one that detailed how the government planned to overcome dimensional travel. Sam and Dean exchanged a look, remembering that Rose had said that she'd had visions about them all her life, perhaps in this reality there's a Rose going through the same thing, wanting answers.

Team Scorpion manage to track down the hacker that stole the file, they lived in a house small, mostly unnoticeable house, good for hiding in if you wanna plan crimes. The homeland security man wanted to go in first to check that it was safe, but Dean insisted on leading the way with Sam following close behind. Scorpion waited outside for the Winchesters to signal that it's safe, but when Dean entered the house he found the one thing he'd been hoping for.

He found Rose.

She was exactly the same, in every aspect except she had a look in her eyes, one that Dean knew meant she'd taken a life and wasn't proud of it. Dean approached slowly "Rose, I need you to drop everything and turn around slowly". It took a moment, but she soon complied, turning to face Sam and Dean, but when she did her eyes widened with shock.

"Oh my god, it's you! It's both of you!" She shouted in excitement "How did you get here? My visions didn't show me this..." Rose 2.0 muttered.

Dean and Sam exchanged a look but before they could do anything about it, homeland security came in and shot Rose after hearing her shouts and seeing a gun strapped to her waist. As far as homeland was concerned, she had already murdered 4 people, stolen from the government, and was considered armed and dangerous, so they shot on sight.

For a second time that day, Dean had to watch the woman he'd fallen in love with be killed in front of him because he couldn't do anything to stop it. Tears threatened to fall as he stepped outside to gather himself, Sam followed and asked if he was okay to which Dean just scoffed.

"Dean, I have a theory about the imbalance, but we're going to need to go to another reality" Sam pauses for a moment, letting Dean think it over briefly "are you gonna be up for this?"

Dean let's out a breath and looks up at Sam "yeah, let's go Sammy" he forces a smile, Sam gets out his ingredients and once again summons the portal. Dean, without hesitation, walks straight through with Sam right behind him.

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