How Naughty Can You Get Rosie? (Panda 2)

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After 2 years, this story is gonna be continued! Cause now I have nothing better to do beside waiting for college to find me! By the way, this story is the more detailed, long version of the original which has already been written during our chemistry class (2 or more years ago). AND Lilith and Kenzie are the ones who came up with the plot so blame them for any lameness! So stuff are added though, cause I forgot most of the story. So yup.



Sobs of despair resonated from the spacious halls of the mansion. Jessie had tried, he really did, but it was of no avail. He stared at the red gummy bear as his lips quivered and were covered with mucus that trailed down from his black nostrils. The gummy bear was thrown in his mouth blocking the exit of any upcoming sobs.

"Jessie, Darling, please let mama in?" His mom pleaded. She stood patiently clutching her necklace as she waited for the reply that never came.

"Tell mama what's bothering you?" She tried to find her way in, "I'm pretty sure I can help!"

Her words were sincere until the unexpected happened. Jessie heard a huff and knew he should brace himself for what's coming.

"JESSIE BLUE PANDA! OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR BEFORE I SHATTER IT WITH A KNOCK OF MY HEAD!" She finally converted to the beast even his father, the leader of the clan, feared.

After a sigh to calm her agitated self, her foot tapped on the floor as she stated her true objective: "You should come out and have dinner with us... we have guests and I want them to see you so that you can marry, you know what I'm telling you? So that I can get rid of you!" she desperately whispered the last sentence.

Jessie failed to hear her mean excuse for his marriage since he was panicking at how he was gonna spend his life if his mom were to drag him out of his cave. A life with a sow that he knew nothing about! What if she made the wrong food? Adds some poison 'accidentally'? Sleep like a retard taking 99.9% of the bed? Shaves her legs in the bathtub? Or complains to her parents about his habit of picking his nose? Millions of questioned bombarded Jessie's pea cracking it.

"But Moooom! I'm in love with someone!" He whined.

"Really?" She doubted his words knowing her son is incapable of loving a living, non-edible being, "That's great! Is she alive? Is she out of your intestines?" She questioned holding back giggles.

"She's alive and well!" He knew of his mom's trust issues.

"Really?" She was now in utter shock. Jessie smirked at a dream come true! He finally was able to show his mom that he's a mystery.

"She's edible?" She stated more than questioned. Jessie groaned stuffing his face in his Selena Gomez pillow. He despised the fact that his mom knows him well. It's annoying not to be able to hide secrets or lie! How can life be that unfair?!

"It's okay, Honey!" She replied after confirming her hypothesis with her son's silence. She had no idea what goes in his mind most of the time, but being clever, and not actually putting any effort in understanding his pea, she was able to read him like an open magazine.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2015 ⏰

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