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Placing the folder back in its place and closing the safe, Ellie turned around, jumping back in a startle as she came face to face with a life-sized portrait of a man in an Owl costume, not noticing it when she first entered the room.

What the hell is WRONG with this guy...?!

She exited the office as quietly as she entered and repeated to herself, "Don't question it. Don't question it. Don't question it..."  finding a haven in the bathroom near the banquet hall.

Entering a stall, she quickly sent off the scans to Plagg and Tikki.

Holy hell you guys... Jackpot. I have a feeling that this case will be wrapped up sooner than we think. I'm going to try to collect as much information as I can tonight if the situation we expect to happen occurs.

Shutting off her phone, she took a deep breath to settle with the information she just uncovered.

Me? A possible recruit for Source Four test trials? When could I have possibly gotten on their radar?!

She stepped out of the stall and came to the sink, deep in thought.

Now Kim's sudden change in behavior makes sense. He was the first victim of the Akuma Source injection in the beginning trials of the project... It makes sense that they look for physically fit people and hes captain of the football team. Should I have stayed more low radar by not joining weights? Why do I feel bad for him?

She shuddered at the thought of the manifesto included at the beginning of the folder, taking note of the harsh language.

A single sentence, in particular, stood out to her, however.

"How will we learn what it means to create an empire if we are unable to begin at the source of our nation's future?"

What does talk of empires remind me of?...

She entered the banquet hall once more, searching the room for the familiar golden head she had become accustomed to.

Near the refreshment table, she spotted Adrien standing alone. As they made eye contact, he flashed a warm smile at her.

A dark waltz-like song began playing, making Adrien take a hold of Ellie's hand.

"May I have the honor of taking this dance with you, M'lady?"

He's like a breath of fresh air.

"It would be my pleasure."

They whisked onto the dance floor in perfect sync, as each pair around them danced like some magnificent ball.




"You're a pretty good dancer. Any previous experience?" Adrien asked.

"Some," Ellie answered, now taking lead. "And you?"

"Ballroom dancing is a required class for freshmen here. You're lucky you came a year too late."

They both laugh as they continue to dance across the entire hall, with pairs around them moving together in pattern-like movements.

As the song concluded, they rendezvous with the rest of the group near the refreshment table once more as the hall is filled with laughter and claps.

"Wow, you two— I'm speechless. Just speechless." Chloe sighs, her arms clasping together.

"Would you like a drink Ellie?" Asks Adrien.

"Oh no, I'm fine, thank you."

He goes towards the table, and Ellie takes notice of a student she didn't recognize entering from across the hall.

Adrien comes back up to her side with a drink as a teacher goes on stage welcoming the students.

"We thank you all and your generous parents that allow us to uphold this standard of gathering here at Francois DuPont. We will continue to collect votes for the homecoming Duke and Duchess until 10 PM sharp! May this homecoming be the best to come."

Applause is heard from the students, and a new song begins to play.

I don't remember seeing that person in the student/staff directory... And outside guests weren't allowed in.

"Down for another round?" Adrien says, motioning towards the floor of students dancing in formation.

Ellie grabs onto Adrien without thinking and robotically joins in with the students, strategically getting closer to the new guy, who was standing around like he was looking for something... someone.

As she made good distance, she noticed his erratic yet controlled body language.

His hand is shaking... What is he looking for?

2 more minutes until the song ends.

So the teachers have begun filling out the room...

1 more minute until the song ends.

"Adrien, do you trust me?"

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