Chapter 22

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Habiba's life hadn't been the same anymore

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Habiba's life hadn't been the same anymore. She is no longer a single mother living her life working day and night, taking care of her baby all alone. Life was going on its flow, everything was fine until a high tide approached their life with no invitation, switching the stream of their life. She's now the wife of someone, a daughter-in-law of a family, and a bhabi for her devar and nand.

As a girl, Habiba always had some sweet dreams for her wedding. She never in her nightmare thought that she'd be wedded like this. Still there she was sitting on Hamza's bed wearing her mother's wedding benarosi and a few pearl jewelry. A heavy long dupatta was covering her bare face, no makeup, no beauty aids, nothing was there to make her look graceful like any other new bride. A glimpse of happiness wasn't shining in her eyes rather fat droplets of tears kissed her cheek again and again.

Habiba never thought the result of the complaints she made to her brother about Hamza would turn out like that. The same brother who couldn't bear a na mahram's gaze on her got her married to a boy like Hamza.

After that day when Hamza forcefully married her, she said it to her brother knowing that he would take care of that mess as Hamza was Amor's best friend. Amor to her surprise didn't even listen to her properly as if he was in a hurry to get her off from her house to Hamza's house. All of those happened so fast that she hadn't got enough time to grasp the happenings.

Hamza came to her house with his family within an hour. Not getting enough time to be shocked her mother forced her to wear her saree, and got her ready to go downstairs. She didn't dare to have an ounce of hope anymore when she saw her baba entering the room with a Kazi behind him. That is when she became numb and in all of these happenings, Zayn's thoughts left her head as her baby wasn't there around her gaze.

Sitting on hamza's bed she was rewinding all of tonight's activities and suddenly the cries of Zayn came to her ears and then she came back to her sense. Quickly uncovering her face she got down from the bed and had to stop as her feets stood still. There he was, her husband, Hamza came in the room with a crying Zayn in his arms.

"Mama." Hearing Zayn crying out for her, she once again got her sense back and swiftly snatched her baby back from the tall man in front of her, as if his touch will burn her baby.

This act of Habiba hurt Hamza. Yeah, it hurt the cold-hearted man as Habiba didn't feel safe with Zayn being with him. He knew that although he was the father of Zayn, Habiba had more rights over Zayn than he had. A long sigh left his mouth in silence. Casting one last glance at Habiba who was busy patting Zayn to sleep, he went to the washroom to freshen up, he was tired for the day.

Habiba placed the sleeping Zayn softly in the middle of the bed that's when she noticed him in his sleeping attires already, which meant he had his dinner too. A sigh of relief left her mouth.

Habiba bent down and kissed his forehead. Softly running her thumb on his red cheeks due to crying loudly, she smiled. She smiled genuinely for the first time in the day. She missed her baby. Nudging her head in the crook of his shoulder she took a long breath of his baby fragrance. All of a sudden, In a flash of a moment, her eyes became wide open.

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