prolgue: the beginning

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Socks pov

"To days the day.... I'm finally going to space. All the training it took. All the time I spent. I'm finally going to the place they all thought I was lieing about. I'm walking onto the space ship and there's no going back now. I'm about to live my dream."

I said all that in my head. It was a bit overwhelming that this is atchley happening to me at the time. Not everyone gets there childhood dreams but some do. To me it's crazy that a few hours ago this ship took off to go to a new plant they discovered when I started training. I almost want to say it's my home planet. Can I consider it my home planet? Idk if I can but in my mind it is. I still am excited for this. I get to stay for a year or 2 they said. I kinda miss my friends already. But they didn't believe me so ill prove it to them.

Next day still socks pov

I woke up in zero gravity meaning I got to space while I was asleep. It was a bit more calming then home at earth if I was being honest. I do feel a bit sick tho and need a snack. I should probably go to the kitchen to grab one. Hopefully it's not to hard to get food here. I still don't know my ship that well but I'll get used to it at one point. Kinda wished I brought my random note book I had laying around with notes on what I might see this trip tho. I can't really expect to much tho can I.

One month later

I've gotten used to the no gravity thing by now. Earth disappeared from view a few days ago and all I see is the stars and space and the sun we know a bit. It's been lonely but relaxing. Sometimes it's nice being alone for awhile. Do feel a bit home sick tho some days. But that will happen. Besides I miss talking to my friends. I'm just hoping to get to the planet safely get get back safely. They said the planet should have fresh yet fin air. But I just want to explore and research this place. Make it my second home.

Landing on planet 117230 (orymeulck)(ore-meem-you-luc)

I woke up in slight fear when I felt a thump go throw the space ship. I immediately got up and looked out the window to see I have landed on the planet. I immediately ran off grabbing my spacesuit and running putting it on and falling over but I couldn't wait.

I got to the door waiting for it to open with excitement. I really couldn't wait. It was weird feeling gravity again tho. But really who cares. I'm the first to go on this planet.

I waiting about an hour before the door started to open wich I immediately stood back up in excitement. When the door opened completely I immediately ran out accidentally sliding and falling down the entire ramp and hitting a hill or something. I got up rubbing my head and looking at what I hit. The place almost looked like that one place in the never where the trees are blue and the grass and what not but in lighter colors almost pastel but not. It also had a fine white powder that wasn't anything like snow and put it in a bottle.

I started walking around but went to one of the plants there and grabbed parts of it and put it in separate bottles. I took some pictures to. The place is quite nice to say the least. I'm definitely looking forward to staying here for a year or two.

I started to walk around a bit more and saw what almost looked like a village of some sort. I thought to myself to come to that later cus it can be dangerous. I continued to walk around and found what looked like water and got some of that to. I didn't drink it cus it could be dangerous but I put it in another bottle.

I went back to the ship to drop off the bottles with things in it and looked back at the village and was definitely cerios about it. I grabbed a sketch book provided by the ship and started sketching the town and the distance from the ship it was. I also took some notes of what I've seen so far and went on.

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