chapter 2 they didn't see did they?

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It's been hours now, i've been sitting here, wondering if I should hide the Ailen again or not. I don't want to take the risk yet. If I hide it for too long, it hurts. Excruciating amounts. Really I don't really know what to do. Like obviously I don't want to be caught, I think that part is obvious.

After awhile the pain was noticeable, and I let the alien out again. It was a relief yet I still have that worry that someone will come in unexpectedly. And honestly, knowing how things are. I know someone will come in. Any minute now...any minute...

Maybe I was wrong, no one came in like I expected them to. I probably sat here for an hour, heart racing not knowing if anyone will pop in. I layed down trying to get comfortable, with my tentacles and tail. Its a lot harder than someone would think, especially with weird things on the side of my head. I can't even lay on my side and laying out face first makes it difficult to breathe. I don't even know how to sleep properly anymore.

After a while, I decided to bring the cups and plates that I left in my room from hiding and gathered them all up in a pile. My vision was shit, all I could see was in black and green lines. Criss-crossing with each other, defining the forms of objects and other items. I wonder if those I met on the planet struggled with this vision?

Hiding the alien, I grabbed my pile of dishes and made my way to the door. Stumbling over objects that my eyes could not detect. One of my friends heard me bump into a nearby wall, the pain from hitting it nose first sending shocks of pain through my body. The person that came to help me was unidentifiable. They voiced their opinion out loud, saying that I was crazy for attempting to move around with my supposed 'blindness'. I kept quiet as they kept talking. Guiding me down what I believed were the stairs into a common room. From what I could tell there were other people, the sounds of hushed voices filling my ears. As soon as I entered, their voices were trained to my ears. I felt warm bodies pressing close to mine.

"Are you okay?"

"Guys! Guys! You're crowding him, quit it!"

Their voices died down and I felt a wave of relief, the stress I just felt disappearing as I sighed quietly. Their voices didn't seem all that recognizable, in fact they all sounded the same to me. My back began to ache from the alien, but I suppressed it. Gritting my teeth I was guided to a catch and was forced to sit down. I heard footsteps retreating to another part of the house. I kept my head down, feeling my hair brushing against my forehead.

Their footsteps eventually came back and then I felt something warm and circular pressed into my arms, it was a plate, and from the smell of it had the smell of something that I desperately loved, and totally needed right now as a comfort item.


"Socks here you go." A voice said as they gently set the plate down in my lap. "You need to eat, you've been hiding from us. It's understandable with all the sudden changes-." Referring to my sudden blindness. "But we don't want to lose you, especially to starvation."

I grabbed the food and instantly shoved it into my mouth, chewing the bread covered in tomato and cheese quietly. Still not responding to the voices of concern. The pain in my back took up my mind as I went on auto pilot. Subconsciously eating the pizza.

"I want to go back upstairs." I voiced quietly after finishing the slice.

"Are you sure-." The voice began.

"Yes." I said assertive, standing up, the plate falling off my lap and clanking as it hit the floor. I stumbled past them, eventually getting to the stairs. Using my hand to guide myself up the stairs, pressing it firmly against the wall. As I got upstairs, I instantly turned into my room and slammed the door shut. Allowing the alien to come out, the tentacles sprouting from my back, something dripping from my mouth, the green and black lines returned, giving me a sense of vision.

I stumbled to my bed, and plopped down on it, the tentacles making it difficult to get comfortable. I tossed and turned, until eventually my exhaustion took over my need to be comfortable and slipped into blissful slumber.


The sudden sound of knocking made me shoot awake. My breathing labored as I got up. Hiding the alien I stumbled to the door, calling out. "It's open!" as I crashed into the wall. The sound of creaking echoed through the room as the door opened. Someone grabbed my shoulder, I felt one hand normal the other covered in a claw. And that's when it clicked in my brain it was Tbh.

"You good?" Tbh suddenly asked me.

"As good as i'll ever be." I responded. My voice sounded more irritated than I intended for it to be.

"Alright man, I was just...checking on you." Tbh said hesitantly, his hands disappearing from my shoulder as he left. The door shutting behind him. I quickly ran to the sound of the shutting door and locked it. Letting the alien out once again I sighed. Plopping onto my bed once more I closed my eyes and attempted to fall asleep again. Thoughts ran through my mind, but the one question that kept circling back up again was, 'What am I going to do?'


Waking up, I couldn't tell the time. There was no indication of time when you're blind, except for maybe a feeling. And the only thing I was feeling was hungry. Starving, like I hadn't eaten in years. I sat up in bed and walked over to what I believed was the door. The green and black lines outlining the rim and doorknob.

I pressed my ear against the door knob, feeling uncomfortable as the small tendrils that sprouted from my head pressed into my skull. I listened, there was no indication of sound. Everyone was still asleep. In which case I decided with a slight bit of anxiety, that I would go get some food. I unlocked the door with a bit of struggle and opened it slowly. A small creaking noise emitting from the hinges.

I carefully, slowly, and quietly made my way down the stairs. Using the messed up version of sight I had I identified a clear path to the kitchen and made my way there. Instantly I threw open the fridge, tearing out food, whatever it was I didn't care. An entire bag of lemons? Gone in seconds. A singular half sliced Lime? Disappeared. A random bag of lunch meat for Nadwe to make his lunches with? Torn to shreds.

I wasn't done yet. I ran toward the cabinet, grabbing the family sized bags of chips and eating them. My hunger still not sedated. Unaware of all the mess, all of the shreds of food and crumbs that clung to my clothes, I kept eating. Eventually I couldn't find any more food in the cabinets, running to the trash can I ripped the lid off and shoved my head into the trash, unaware of the fact I was eating paper plates, paper towels covered in food, and miscellaneous leftovers, either unwanted by the friend group or covered by disgusting amounts of mold. I was still hungry but there was nothing left to eat, so I ran towards a cabinet and grabbed a glass plate. Chewing on it as I left the piles of garbage on the floor, I grabbed a spoon, and fork. Sliding them into my pockets I began to make my way up the stairs once more, chewing on my plate. As I was blissfully unaware, that someone had been watching.

1357 words

first of all thanks to GhostOblivion for wrighting a decent chunk of this lol. its a good help. and go check them out if you can lol but ya this is this chapter of blinded

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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