An old mate.

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Niall's POV

"For the last time Mr.Styles. You are not going to Anderson's with me." I stated as Mr.Styles made a swift turn looking at me with a soft glare.

"Why can't I!?" He said dramatically holding his hand to his chest.

"Well you just can't." I said as he put his hands on my thigh like those thousand times before making my cheeks hotten as I looked away from him.

"But He's my old mate!" He fake whined in a high pitched voice as I rolled my eyes.

"Please Haz this voice doesn't suit ya at all!" I said as his eyes glinted mischievously

"Oh. Which one does?" He asked quirking his brows as he played clueless rubbing his hand up and down my thigh.

"You want me to tell you Hazzy?" I asked as I ran my fingers down his chest.

"N-Niall d-dont." He stuttered as we stopped after the traffic lights turned red making Harry gasp as I palmed his member through his dress pants.

"Niall.Oh Fuck!" He groaned huskily as I smirked watching him throw his head back in ecstasy as I pulled my hand back.Making him growl.

"Stop being a fucking tease!" He snapped as I hummed.

"Now that's the kind of voice that suits you Hazza." I said as he banged his fist on the staring wheel and started driving again.

"You know you'll pay,right?" He said fixing his sunglasses as I smirked yet again.

"I'm more than ready to pay Mr.Styles." I winked as I undoubtedly saw blush creeping up on his cheek.

But thanks to his tan.He didn't turn into a tomato unlike me.

"Here We Are." He said walking out as he got his laptop bag out making me frown.

"Are you here for some work related reason?" I asked as he nodded.

"Ofcourse! You really thought I'm here to see whether you bend or not?" He said as I widened my eyes.

"Perfect!" I said sprinting forward fuming as I collided harshly into someone. And of fucking course it was him.

"Oh Mr.Horan! You're already here. It's such a delight to have you really!" He said cheerily as he almost hugged me before we heard a loud.

"William!" Mr.Styles exclaimed.

"Mr.Styles?" He frowned as He hugged him making me stifle a laugh.

"William. I don't like this professionality! Remember we were batch mates." Mr.Styles said as he successfully pushed me away from him.

"Uh yes but we weren't really friends." He said Frowning as Mr.Styles gasped.

"Oh we were! We were frenemies!" He said voice still as high pitched as ever as I couldn't help but giggle.

"Competents you mean." Anderson said rolling his eyes.

"Oh yes but I think we should turn this into a friendship." He suggested as Anderson raised his brows and sighed.

"Never knew you could be this cherry Harry." He said as Mr.Styles smirked.

"I'm a lot of things you should be careful of William." He said faux smiling as my eyes widened.

"Anyways.So.why are you here this fine morning?" He asked as I pushed Mr.styles aside.

"Mr.Styles was just here to initiate this friendship and drop me off,Sir." I said as I felt Mr.Styels' eyes bore holes into mine.

"Oh okay.You can come with me now Niall." He said as he turned around and started walking towards the elevator as I followed him looking back at Mr.Styles pleadingly. As he clenched his jaw and stormed out.

I looked straight ahead as I got into the elevator with Mr.Anderson.

He stared at me for a long ass time making me uncomfortable in my own skin. As the elevator dinged open to his office.

He caught me by surprise by clasping my wrist in his hand and pulling me out with him.

I looked at him with wide eyes as he smirked locking the doors and turned to look at me.

"Mr.Anders-son."I  stuttered out as he leaned closer to me.

"Niall.Oh Niall. You wouldn't know how many nights I have spent dreaming of that voluptuous ass of yours." He said as I cringed pushing him away.

"Please No." I said as he smiled sliding his hand resting on my waist down to my ass as I clenched my eyes shut.

"Oh No of course not love. I'm not gonna force myself onto you. I just wanted you away from him and closer to myself. " He said as he pulled his hand back kissed the corner of my mouth making me let out a shaky intake of breath.

"Oh Thanks a bunch." I mocked stepping away.

"So what do I have to do or in your words "train" for?" I asked as he smiled.

"You first got me intrigued because of this attitude of yours." He said as I rolled my eyes.

"I bet. Now my question." I said coldly as he smirked.

"You just have to be here." He said fixing his shirt as I huffed.

"Be here for what?" I asked as He looked up into my eyes intently making my breath hitch.

Honestly William Anderson was something else. He can have any thing he keeps a finger on but he still wants me. Not just because of the fame and fortune he beholds but even as A person he's attractive enough.His grey eyes and gorgeous self could get any man or woman to swoon. But here he is.

"Well you have to be here because I want you to." He said as the nonchalance  got on my nerves.

"That's bullshit!" I snapped as He walked closer to me letting his hands rest in his pockets.

"All you've to know for now is that I always win and specially when it comes to Harold. I make sure I always win."
Hehe sorry if this is a filler next one's going to be better! I love you all lovelies! Hope ya like it

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