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"What in witches name do you mean you've NEVER attended school?!" A certain fiery cookie boomed, making it feel as if the trees shook with fear. "And you have?" The mage nonchalantly replied, looking at the girl.

"Of course I have! I'm surprised a know-it-all like you hasn't!" Chili Pepper resumed her screaming, Gingerbrave and Strawberry cookie just staring in awe.

"Well I was just baked with a pinch of intelligence, clearly." Wizard cookie spoke, rolling his eyes. "W-well, we were only created some years ago..." Strawberry spoke up, suddenly adding to the conversation.

"And you expect me to know that?! I could've sworn Mr.Ice cream hat here at least went to Parfaedia. I mean, even you have some intellect as well!" The red-head groaned. "Hey! What about me?" Gingerbrave added on. "Never crossed my mind." Chili Pepper said, sticking her tongue out at the ginger cookie. "I'm smart too!" Gingerbrave huffed. "Sure..." Wizard mumbled to himself, unaware the cookie next to him heard.

"It's true!!" Gingerbrave groaned, crossing his arms trying best to look offended, Strawberry just pat his back awkwardly. "I say we have someone enroll you three into school." Chili Pepper spoke up. "Oh? Since when did you care about us?" Wizard said mockingly, hiding his smirk with his snow-white scarf.

"S-since never!" Chili huffed. "You three just need some damn education. Especially Gingerbrave!" "I'm smart and you know it!" Gingerbrave spoke up again, whacking Chili with his candy cane. In response, the frail candy suddenly snapped. "Oh."

Wizard cookie sighed, face palming. He then pulled out another candy cane out of thin air, handing it to Gingerbrave who stared in awe. "Idiot.." The mage mumbled, Gingerbrave attacking him with appreciation.
"So you want to go to school?" Latte cookie innocently said. "Yes!" Gingerbrave replied, nodding profusely. "How come?" The delicate cookie asked, staring at the trio with interest. "You three seem to have a good amount of intellect in your own ways." She continued. "See? I told you I'm smart!" Gingerbrave huffed, whispering to Chili Pepper. The red cookie just rolled her eyes.

"Chili Pepper insisted." Wizard deadpanned, pointing back at their older friend. "Oh~ did she now?" Latte chuckled in a mocking manner. "She's just like a mother to you three, especially Custard cookie." Latte smiled as Chili Pepper had a whole crisis in the background. Strawberry lightly giggled.

"Ah, that's right!" Gingerbrave suddenly said aloud, piquing the attention of the others. "What about Custard? Is he able to attend school too?"

"Why, of course!" Latte giggled. "There are many schools that range from grade 1st-12th, I'm sure we can find one where you all can be together." She smiled, putting her hands together.

"Where do you suggest we go, then?" Gingerbrave piped up. "School wise, that is." Latte cookie put her head on her hands, closing her eyes to think. "Hmm.. I could try my hand at having you four attend Parfaedia.." Latte said thoughtfully.

"A-are you sure? You really don't n-need to.." Strawberry carefully said. "Why of course!" Latte replied in a smooth motion. "You all have done so much for our kingdom, but you still have a long way to come." She opened her eyes. "Parfaedia is nothing but the best school in all the cookie land, so it's a perfect fit for a team like you!" She smiled politely as she finished her sentence.

"We will make sure to study well and hard." Wizard finally spoke. "Especially you, Gingerbrave." He remarked, glaring at the cookie who was currently daydreaming. "Wha- huh? What was that?" Wizard cookie face palmed in defeat. 'Why is he like this..' He mentally groaned.
[616 words]
Sorry for short prologue!!

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