(Chapter 1) Killer Princess.

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Raven had killed the king. She had always knew. When she was 9, all she remembered of the sort where from nightmares.

Always the same bloody nightmares, taking place in a meadow, where war was being taken place. Arrows piercing bodies, and knives clanking where distinctly heard. she would always wake up screaming.

When she was ten, She could hear Kori and Komand'r fighting when she was walking through the halls of the palace.

"Why are we still letting the child stay here?!" Asked Komand'r clearly furious "Fathers death wasn't her fault. Also, she had been legally adopted we cant just throw her out she's a child!" Said what she recognized as Kori's voice "Oh save it! If she simply didnt exist, father wouldn't have died!"

Raven left too her bedroom, not wanting too hear anything else.

When she was fourteen, Komand'r left. And Kori took over the throne. after the King died, there was a border in she and Kori's relationship.
But now, she never saw Kori at all.

At 15, all she did was either stay in the garden or library, Reading books. A year later, she met Damian. The prince was rather sophisticated and rude. She would always see him speaking condescendingly too people of lower ranks.

"Why are you always so rude?" Raven asked, sitting under the shade of a tree while the young Prince examines flowers.

"Isn't it simple? relationships are a liability and a weakness." He responded picking up a flower that Raven recognized as an Bluebell.

"How do you say that?" She said, examining the front cover of a book she was reading.

"What will you do when your most beloved leave you, or betray you?" Said Damian, in a rather cold tone.

Raven didnt respond. After a few minutes silence, he asked her for a tour around the Empire. Raven was surprised it had been three weeks yet he never showed interest upon the Empire. After she showed him around, there was a definite increase in there relationship.

She was almost sorry too see him go a week later. Although Kori assured her it wasn't the last she was seeing of him.


She stared at the empty pice parchment, holding a quill dripping with ink.

She had been told these papers where needed in 3 days. Yet all she's been doing for the past hour is staring at an empty piece of parchment, her mind blank.

Then, a soft knock emerged from the oak door at the end of her office. "Enter." Said Raven. The door opened, and there stood Marchioness Terra, Holding a fan the same grey color as her gown. 

"Your Highness." Said Terra a small smile upon her freckled face. "I heard there has been a matter you have been struggling with?" Raven blinked. No one was told about the progress on her papers, how did Terra know?

"Yes. There is, is there any reason you came?" Asked Raven placing the quill  on a piece of scrap parchment. "There is actually." Said Terra. "Prince Damian and His elder brother have arrived."

Raven was slightly surprised. The Wayne Princes where supposed too arrive in a week. She hadn't been told anything about them arriving a week earlier than planned. But then again, Kori barely told her anything anymore.

"Why dont you go meet him?" Said Terra seemingly reading Ravens mind. "I cant." Raven said, slightly exasperated. "I need too finish these papers."

"Ah, that wont be necessary." Said Terra. "I cleared your schedule."
Raven looked at her, slightly annoyed. She never liked postponing any piece of work she was given.

You had no right too do that." Said Raven. "I dont." Agreed Terra. "But the Empress does." Raven raised an eyebrow. How much information did she miss just by simply staying in her office for two days?

Alot it seems.


The golden rays of warm sunlight made her slightly dizzy. Owing too the fact that she stayed in her office with the curtains shut for 2 days.

Making her way into the gardens, she plucked a lily of the valley from the bush, waiting for Damian. In his recent visits, he always entered the garden after settling down knowing she would be there.

And Soon enough he did arrive, when she spotted him, she smile for the first time in what felt like weeks.

Damian bowed first. " Princess Roth. I hope i find you well." He said. For one reason or another, Damian seemed too be politer too her than he is with most people. Sometimes, Raven had a distinct feeling that he was kinder too her then too his own brothers.

"Very well. May i ask how you are?" She said giving a courteous bow. "Rather pleasant. Although i still have certain annoyances to be dealt with." Said Damian, adding heavy emphasis to 'annoyances' Raven felt amused, knowing he was referring too his three brothers.

Raven had met them before, she found their presence rather enjoyable. Richard Grayson, was the oldest. he was pleasant and polite. Although, he seemed nervous around Kori, which Raven had realized quickly.

Jason was nice, he was a slight goofball at times, and quite the ladies man. Most Women, Even Maid's where eyeing him everytime he was present in their Empire.

She didnt know much about Tim drake. only that he kept too himself. But like his brothers, he was polite.

"The Empress wants you in the dining hall." Said Damian, interrupting Ravens train of thoughts. Raven hadn't really planned on having lunch. but, she couldn't refuse an offer from the Empress.

"Lets go then." Said Raven

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