"It was an accident Mummy"

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Natasha wife x Pregnant reader

Warning: fluffy


~Reader pov~

I got out of bed this morning, my 5 month round pregnant belly poking out of the bottom of my vest top. I've been getting rather hot at night recently, even though it's the middle of December, it still feels like the middle of summer.

When I stood from my bed I turned around to see the other half was neatly tucked to be around me, keeping me warm. Which is now the reason why I feel so hot, Natasha and her damn caring self.

It is strange how she's up this early, normally I'm up first to get our 2 year old breakfast as she is up pretty early all the time. I make my way to the kitchen despite my wife's absence as I get a wave of nausea.

I never normally feel like this so it shocks me a little, so much that I lean against the wall of our landing. I hunch over a little trying to get rid of this horrible feeling and taste in my mouth.

I'm just begging to god that it isn't what I had with my last pregnancy, that was a ride I'd never want to take again. I felt like I was dying and I know Natasha was so stressed during that time.

As if Natasha has super hearing, which she probably does due to the red room, she makes her way to the stares and looks at me from the bottom. Sensing something is wrong she runs up and makes her way to the top, coming over to me quickly.

"Detka? Are you alright?" She's asks of me whilst putting an arm around my waist and leaning me against her instead of the wall.

"Y-yeah, I just suddenly got nauseas" I say to her. I look into her eyes and I can tell that she is scared. I look down to my growing stomach and rub my hand over it.

Natasha puts on of her hands on my forehead, the look of her furrowed eyes and concern doesn't go unrecognised by me. "What's wrong natty?" I ask her.

"I think we should go rest you on the sofa, that way I can keep an eye on you whilst I make breakfast. You seem a little too warm for my liking, Come on sweetheart" she leads me gently to our living room.

Natasha places me gently onto our large white sofa. She turns the fireplace on adjacent from me and sits next to me. I rest my head onto her shoulder as she puts her arm around my back and on on my stomach.

"Does anything else hurt? Can I get you anything?" The flash if concern that I saw in her eyes earlier doesn't leave as she looks at me. Before I can answer her, the sound of a door opening and little feet running towards the living room stops me.

The sounds stops for a second when I hear a little humpf. A second goes by and then a small "I'm okay" is heard. Gosh she's so cute, even when falling over.

The voice is suddenly revealed when our daughter comes running into he room, her eyes light up when she sees us. " Mummy, mama. You didn't come to wake me up this morning?!" She says as she runs toward us.

She comes over and jumps onto me, knocking the wind out of me and making me gasp out in pain. Clearly she forgot about the little bean growing in my tummy. Natasha quickly takes Katherine off of me and scolds her.

"Katherine! You have to be careful around mummy, I've told you off before" refering to the time she jumped on me a few month prior. Katherine's little shocked and upset face shoots right to me.

"It was an accident Mummy, I'm sowwy" I have my eyes closed and my head thrown so I can't see her but I'm guessing Natasha put Katherine on the floor based on the movement.

"Y/n? Honey? Are you okay? Little bean okay?" Natasha asks me quickly, facing my now and out her hand on my knee, rubbing as to comfort me slightly. She's getting more concerned as I haven't answered her yet and I have just been panting.

"C-can I just lay here for a w-while. Goodness me the hurt" I'm finding it so hard not to swear infront of Katherine as I lay down. I put a pillow under my head and lay on my side.

My eyes are still closed but I can hear Katherine come a little closer to me. She puts her little hands on my left arm, as I'm laying on my right, and lifts it up. She places her little Bunny teddy under it.

I open my eyes to look directly into hers, the exact replicas of Natasha's. "I am sowwy mummy" she says so sweetly and kisses my forehead them stomach. " I sowwy, my little beany" she says to the growing baby.

I look to Natasha, she has tears in her eyes from our daughters cute actions. I gain her attention after a while with my stare.

"I'll get breakfast done it a little, let me lay here for a second"  I say to Nat, her eyes go wider then I e ever seen them and she jumps up, startling poor Katherine and she jumps back.

"No, no detka. Don't you dare. Katherine and I will get breakfast ready" she says as she kisses my forehead and places a light blanket over my shivering body. I don't know how I'm suddenly cold but I take the gesture gratefully.

"Yeah, don't go anywhere mummy. Stay. Here." Katherine says semi steely and gives me her best death stare that she learnt from Natasha.

I chuckle softly and the stop when it hurts. I take a deep breath again and look at Natasha. "Okay honey" is all I say to both of them as I close my eyes once more.

I hear Nat walk away with Katherine in her arms as Katherine complaining to be put down as she wants to help from the floor. Natasha does eventually after she scolds Katherine again for not being so very careful around me.

With being pregnant with Katherine I can see where the concern obviously comes from. She was so bloody scared I was gonna die during childbirth. I was too, so very scared.

I let that thought leave my head as I allow myself to fall asleep to the sounds of pans and plates gently clattering together. And of course the hushed whispers of mother and child trying to be quiet.

What did I ever do to deserve such a wife as Natasha.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2022 ⏰

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