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November 6, 2012

Dear Super Junior,

Happy anniversary!

I am already a senior in high school. In a few months, I will be going to college! I am so excited and also nervous. I still don't know what school I am going to or course I'll take. How about you? What did you study in college? Or did you go to college? Do you have time to study even if you are so busy with your career?

Also, people are so mean whenever I tell them I listen to K-Pop. They always tell me to love our own culture which I do. I am in the dance troupe and we performed cultural dances. I love studying the different cultures and traditions in country. I even won second place in a history quiz bee! Those mean people don't even know other works of Rizal apart from his novels. But our dance teacher told us that it is not wrong to copy your dances. Your dances are really amazing and she said if we practice a little bit more, we can be as good as you.

I discovered this new boy band from UK called One Direction. They are good. But I like you more. Their songs are nice since they are in English but yours sound better. And your MV is cooler and cuter.

I made a promise that I will first finish college and earn my own money before I can your concert and buy your albums. For now, I will just print your pictures from Google.


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