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Ok so my first story hope this turns out good I already have like pre written stuff in my notes so y'all will probably never ever find spelling mistakes❤️❤️❤️
Ik go me.

Also I might not update for a bit cause of my schedule and I am the biggest procrastinator in the world so like I might disappoint y'all and I'm sorry:(

Also if y'all crack a joke about me being Texan I don't mind and no I'm not making the characters southern or I thing at least so, Idak where there from rn ok

So there is some sexual content at the start and like maybe a little in the middle so if you want, u can skip ig <3

"You know what you do to me when you look like that Scotty" I can't help but shiver at his touch as he places his hands on my hips, slowly guiding me to his bed, snaking his tongue into my mouth and sitting down. I swiftly straddle him and he squeezes my ass making me moan into his mouth.

Oh shit. Oh shit oh shit oh shit. "Oh shit!"
I look at the clock 8:00 "Fuck!" Oh no, ohhhh fuck no, it had to be today, today of all fucking days.

I look at my phone


Dude are you up we gotta                7:30
go in like 30 mins

Bro wake tf up your gonna              7:40
make us late and we can't
be late not today

ISTG IF U DON'T GET UP                 7:50

I'm outside the house you             NOW
better be ready

If someone saw how fast I got ready, I could  have gotten a world record.

As I ran down the stairs I couldn't help but feel a weird nervousness in my stomach because today, the day I was so definitely late for was the day Sam and I were picking up Nathan from the airport.

"Scott! What the fuck dude, did you seriously sleep in again?"

"Pffff...nooo" wow so convincing Scott way to play it idiot

"Dude you need to get that in control already, you have like a reputation now,"

Yeah I know.

I get In his car and sit down.

"Whatever man, you're just jealous cause I get better sleep than you".

"That's the best comeback you have?" Sam asks.

"Shut up man." My response is weak but it's the best one I got.

"The only thing I'm jealous of is those dreams that are keeping you asleep, like can you just explain what she looks like so I can get a visual of how hot she is?"

Oh poor poor Sam. If only he knew.

"Sam. I'm never telling you. Ever. You're never gonna know." He doesn't need to know


Driving to the airport felt like hours. I could have gone to sleep if it wasn't for Sam's non stop talking, and something, someone, else.

I couldn't get my mind off of seeing Nathan again, Sam probably couldn't either but for him it was different, because Nathan was his brother. I couldn't get my mind of him because the last time I saw him, those green eyes, his strong muscles, how they moved over me-


"Hmm? Yeah definitely"

"Dude. I've been talking about how I literally destroyed your mother last night for the past five minutes. You okay?"

"Yeah why wouldn't I be," lie "Just focus on the road we're gonna crash." Another weak excuse to add to the list.

My phone buzzed in my pocket


Why are you guys so                             
fucking late

                                Well I'm sorry that we
                          had more important
                                  things than you

Fuck you<3

                             You know you love me,
                                     you're the one who

Gross. Hurry up

Why did he text me?

"Who was that?"

heh "Your mom," don't laugh, don't laugh "she told me to come over again tonight"

"Would you shut up?" Sam yells annoyed "who was it really though?"

I can't hold back and let out a loud laugh, "It was your brother really, we'd better hurry up or he might start taking hostages." 

"Why did he text you?" I get a genuinely confused look from Sam and honestly I'm just as confused as he is. Hell if I know.

"Cause I'm better than you that's why." That earns me an arm punch. "Ow what was that for!"

"Punch buggy no punch backs!"

Idiot "That's not how it works dumbass, there has to be a buggy."

"My car my rules."


As we pull up to the airport my stomach is doing summer salts and my heart is pounding. Why am I so nervous, it was a drunken mistake that happened like three months ago. That I dream about almost every night. Shut up brain.

My thoughts are interrupted by a happily laughing Sam scrambling out of the car, running into multiple startled people and a bench before reaching his brother.


My heart drops into my gut but I reassure  myself, he was drunk so he probably doesn't even remember and it's been like a full summer and he still texts you sometimes but you were drunk too and you remember but he was probably way drunker, he did look pretty sober though, he probably remembers you, vulnerable and screaming his name, him staring at you like y- "Hey Scott,"

"What, uh, hey Nate" SHIT "Uh Nathan."

Oh fuck, by his expression he definitely

Ik this is ass but idc, but like also tell me what is bad cause I like need to be good at this <3

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