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I wake up from the surprisingly best sleep of my life to the ungodly sound of my alarm. Nathan's arm was pulling my waist into his, his head was behind mine, every one of his breaths sending shivers down my spine.

I check my phone for the time. 6:37 a.m. 6:37-a.m?! I've never been up this early!

Under the time, I have about 50 notifications from people asking me where i am. First I answer Sam, telling him that "I'm fine just passed out early". Then I text Sandy, she sent a couple texts saying she was sorry and asking if I'm ok, made me feel bad for ignoring her.

I texted back who ever else was concerned and checked the time again to make sure I wasn't crazy. Yep 6:49.

I can't go back to sleep though, I'm too awake. Damnit.

"Scotttttt" Nathan's arm pulls me in and he places a chaste kiss on my shoulder blade. "Go back to sleeppp"

"I want to but I can't, I'm not tired. Now let me go Nate I'm gonna go take a shower." He let's me go and makes a hum sound.


"AHHHGGGGGH!" A loud scream comes from the bathroom.

"Scott are you okay?!" I jump up and run to the bathroom.

"No I'm not okay! I look like Sully from monsters inc.!"

"Fuck you do!" I can't help it, I laugh till I'm on the floor. "Well Scott , I mean, it's not that bad..., kind of hot."

"SHUT THE FUCK UP NATE!" He throws a bar of soap at me before slumping against the wall.

"OW!" Ow.

"Sorry. Im just-school, what do I do about them-before school?" He sounds desperate.

"I dunno. Wear a turtle neck?" Im so funny.

"Nathan. Im serious. Also what are you, a vampire?! How did you even manage...?!" His voice trails off as he starts counting the hickies.

"4..5..6..7?!..8?!? One was enough!" I walk up and hug him from behind.

"You would have disagreed yesterday. Jus sayin." My mouth is right by his ear and he shivers. His eyes close and his head tilts back to rest on my shoulder.

Suddenly an alarm goes off and he jolts away from me.

"Nuh uh! Not now mister! Let me take my shower, it's already seven. And go put some clothes on!"


I turn the water up just a bit hotter than usual, hoping it would help soothe the red purple marks. The water feels nice and I stay in the shower longer than usual.

The door to the shower opens and Nathan walks in.


"What?" His voice is feigning innocence.

"I'm in here?" Who does he think he is honestly?

"You took too long, also the water's too hot." He backs out of the waters line and turns it all the way to freezing.

"EEEEEEE!" I jump out and steal both towels.

"Noo! Now my towels wet!" He whines

"Uh huh serves you right ice king." I turn around and inspect my hickies in the mirror, the water did nothing.

"Nathan I'm going to kill you." He turns around and sighs.

"Ba-Scott I'm sorry but I couldn't help myself, just wear a hoodie or something?" Did he almost call me babe? I ignore it.

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