Chapter 3

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What happened was fuzzy, I moved too fast. But I spun around cuz I heard Ghostface jump at me. But when I turned around I slipped, or tripped, and went flying sideways. I didn't go THAT far, but a few feet is quite the launch. Anyways, as my limbs flailed for who knows what reason, I landed on the ground hard. I felt a bit dizzy when I sat up. When the world stopped spinning I looked up to see Ghostface staring down at me.

"How's the view?" I ask tountingly and dizzily. He starts walking towards me and I roll to the side out of his way then get up. I run up the stairs like an idiot. And of course, he follows me. Except the difference between me and the dumbasses in the movies is that I don't lock my door when I run into my bedroom.

When he comes thumping down the hallway he reaches my door and immediately grabs the handle, and turns it.

All at the same time, he never loses his momentum...~

I had just enough time to open the window straight across the door. So when he went flying in the room he couldn't stop himself from hitting at just the right height. The top half of him yeets through the window and the bottom hits the window fraim and wall before following his upper body. Now, since I'm nice, I grab his ankles before he can fully fly out. Why? I help even the worst of people. Duh ʕ͡°ʖ̯͡°ʔ

"Why did you grab me?" He shouts through the window. I shrug and pull him in up to his waist before letting go of his ankles.

He climbs back in through the window as I walk to the door. I reach the door, grab the knob and open it. You see, when he opened it at the force he had, it flew open and hit the wall, before coming back to the frame. In other words, it practically became a rubber band.

"HEY!" I turn around just in time to grab the arm with a knife launching at me. He slams my door shut with his other arm, while at the same time pinning me to it.

He's useing the pressure of his strength and body so I'm out matched here. I use all of my strength in my left arm to throw his arm up. His body moves closer because of the gap I stopped holding. I grabbed his mask from the bottom and lift it only up to the bottom of his nose. Then I lean close and close the gap between our faces. I can feel his whole body tens from shock, and as soon as that happens I throw him off me and open the door. I run out, not bothering to shut the door, and I trip on the stairs...

~Sorry, but another cliffhanger~

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