Chapter 13 [Over for dinner]

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"What?? Where?!" She asked, looking horrified. That guy definitely didn't only give Izuku a hard time in school. There's something behind it.

"Uhm, at school.. but we went a way where he didn't see us, he doesn't know Izuku is with me!" I tried reassuring her

"Katsuki, are you certain he didn't see you?" She asked me, putting both her hands on my shoulders

"I- yeah?" I answered hesitantly "but either way he doesn't know whose kid I am, he saw me the other night at your house.." I added

"It was you?!" She asked surprised

"Shit.. you didn't know?" I asked

I thought Inko would get mad and yell at me but then she... started laughing?!? I soon joined her and mom opened the door

"Whats so funny???" She asked

"Kat came into my house the other night and I didn't know it was him until now!" Inko explained, still laughing a little

"You did what?!"

"Chill out mom, Izuku invited me"

"Speaking of, go get your ass upstairs and in the shower! You're gonna get a cold! Izuku is done so don't surprise him!" She yelled

"Yeah yeah old hag, I'm going." I replied

I went upstairs and knocked on my own bedroom door, Izuku told me to come inside so I walked in. We was laying on my bed, texting someone

"Who the fuck are you texting?" I asked him. He looked at me with a fake offended face

"Uhh my FRIEND." He replied trying to be sassy and all

"Stop." I told him, he looked at me and away "no." He replied

I pushed him a little with my foot and put my cold, wet hand in his neck making him squirm around and giving me the opportunity to grab his phone so, I gladly did.

"Ururaka-san?? Pink cheeks?!?! Out of all people Izuku!!" I yelled

"What?? Shes nice! Not like you would relate to that." He rolled his eyes at me before snatching his phone from my hands "thats right." I said while grabbing his ankles and pulling him off my bed "ahh!! You're so co-"


He had fallen from the bed, on his ass. I started laughing uncontrollably and even with all the hits he was giving me, I couldn't contain myself.

"What the hell is going on Katsuki?!!" I heard the old hag yell from downstairs

"Izuku is being stupid!" I yelled back

"Just go take your damn shower Katsuki!!"

I sighed and helped Izuku up before walking in the bathroom and taking a shower. When I got out I rolled a towel around my waist and went for the door

"Im coming out nerd." I said before opening said door and going to my closet. Izuku had shoved his head in a pillow right when he heard me say that so I got some clothes and went back to the bathroom to change. When I got back out, Izuku wasn't there. I walked downstairs to see the old hag and Inko at the dinner table, talking, my old man in the kitchen with his ugly pink apron wrapped around his neck and his waist.

"Hey old man." I said while walking down the last few stairs

"Hello Katsuki, how was your day?" He asked. I just hummed an 'mhm' and left the kitchen, not really caring. I walked in the living room to see Izuku talking and hanging out with Akame and... Kirishima?!?!

"What the fuck. What are you doing here."

"Um.. your mom invited me over for dinner!" He replied

"And what the hell are you still doing in the fucking house?! You're 20! Go to a damn bar while you're allowed! Don't you have friends here?!" I yelled at Akame. Why was she hanging out with 16 year olds??!

"First, Don't be so fucking rude to me! Second, I'm meeting up with them after dinner at the parc. And we're not going to a bar" she said with a smirk across her face. "What the fuck!!!" I yelled

"Akame!!!" The old hag yelled

"Im kidding! I am going to a bar you idiot. But a special one" She winked at me. Kirishima and Izuku looked at each other with a face I couldn't explain if I wanted to

"AKAME!" My old hag yelled AGAIN

"They're 16!! And either way its not true! Even if I would've liked it to b-" she started

"THAT'S IT, GET THE FUCK OUT!" I yelled at her and dragged her out the house while she tried to pull away. I slammed the door while she was laughing on the font porch.

I walked back to the living room just to stop and stare at both boys that were sitting on my couch. A few seconds later I just left and walked upstairs to my room. Kirishima and Izuku looked at each other and shrugged before getting up and following me to my room

"So, Bakubro! How you doin man?" Shitty hair asked

"Fine." I simply responded

"Why is there a mattress here?" He asked another stupid question

"Ugh just shut up already." I told him. I was in a bad mood. Akame had pissed me off.

"Im sleeping here for a few days with my mom until we figure some things out" Izuku answered for me

"Wow, thats nice bakubro!" Shitty hair told me while doing his stupid fist bump with himself since he has no friends to do it with.

"Stop. Calling. Me. That." I repeated myself for the 7th billion time in a day

"He's tired" he said while looking at Izuku. He laughed a bit and looked at me for a responce to shitty hair

"Im not fucking tired hair for brains!!!" I yelled

"KATSUKI!!!!" The old hag yelled  "OH MY FUCKING GOD, WHAT?!?!?!" I yelled back at her


I rolled my eyes and got up, leaving the room without a word. I heard Izuku talking to shitty hair when I left "he usually isn't like that" he said while laughing a bit

"Yeah, I know Bakubro! He pretends not to like anyone but I have to stick with him, he can't take care of himself! Also everything became awkward with him in our third year at UA.." Kirishima answered

"Why?" Izuku asked

"Its not for me to tell you Midobro, sorry" he answered

I huffed and walked downstairs. Everyone was at the table and were just waiting for us to get there. I sat down with my usual scowl and waited for Izuku and Shitty hair. They sat down and my old hag started talking to shitty hair and Izuku as per usual. That woman was obsessed with my friends. I rolled my eyes as I looked outside. It was pouring outside, the streets were filled with water and drops of water were rolling down the window just like if they were racing.

"It's pouring out huh? You should stay over for the night, Kirishima" I heard the old hag say

"Sorry Mrs. Bakugo, I have to go home tonight. But I'll be careful, I promise!" He ginned

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