TF Shattered Glass: COCOMELON - S02 Ch02

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--Start S02 Ch01--

Jazz looks between Calli and Prowl's corpse

Jazz: You do realize that we need to get rid of the body, right?

Calli: I'm not exactly in the best of positions right now-... Plus, Prime, he uh- Her wings lower Just- nevermind. I'll get Prowl out of the way in a second.


Distant angry Shattered Glass Optimus prime noises

Jazz steps in the way

Jazz: I got it, I'm used to getting my hands dirty.

Calli: But I'm just about done here-

Jazz: Like I said, I got it.

Calli: If you say so-

Jazz grabs Prowl by his feet and begins to drag the body

Calli: I'll be over there in a minute-

Plasma: Moonwalks in 'sup bitches. Have you fucked yet?

Jazz jumps and drops Prowl

Jazz: Um-This isn't what is looks like.

Callidus glares at Plasma as she clips her mask back on

Plasma: Ah- So that kind of fucking up- Alright-

Calli: I... the heck is wrong with you- you can't just walk into a room with 2 other bots and just- say that-!

Plasma: Why not?

Calli: You know what? I'm not letting you go on the next scouting for that.

Plasma: Why not though-

Calli: ... Make yourself useful and help us get rid of that body.

Jazz: Stop bickering over nonsense-We need to get this body out of here!

Plasma was scanning around the room

Calli: I need to finish something up on my mask, it isn't exactly functioning properly with the absence of my left optic-

Plasma: This is a pretty booooooring room.

Callidus detaches her mask, but hesitates and turns around

Calli: Eh, forget it. I'll help you with Prowl-

Jazz dragged Prowl and put him on a transport cart in the corner of the lab

Jazz: You know what, since he was such an ass, he's not even gonna get a proper burial.

Calli: You two really weren't on the best of terms, were you?

Jazz: It's not just me- Prowl was an ass to everyone.

Plasma: Uh- Hey Calliii- Is that ornament supposed to look like that-

(Mildly annoyed) Calli: What ornament? That's not an ornament, I only have one functional eye and could still see that.

Jazz: Since when did you have one functional optic?

Calli: That's not what I want to discuss.

Plasma: Is that Jazz?

Calli: Yes...? Why?

Plasma: Ahh-

Calli just stares at Plasma

Jazz: That's my name, don't wear it out.

TF Shattered Glass: COCOMELON [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now