Chapter 3 - Curious Time

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Koro sensei today do a absent, all students are attend except for one student.
'Where is Himeji-san...?" Asked Koro sensei. Everyone in class was silent, all of them didn't know the reason why Himeka's was Absent today.
"Karma-kun, you're passable close with her right? Did her tell you anything?" Asked Koro sensei.

"I didn't reaĺly know about that Koro-sensei, she didn't tell me anything"Said Karma.
"It's very rare, Himeji-san never skipping class... But don't worry let's we immediately starts the lesson" Said Koro Sensei and class turn like a usual.
"From deep in my heart-, what the heck i was worried about her..!?" Thought Karma and he can't focus.
"Don't tell me, today was...!?!" Thought Karasuma sensei from outsite class window.

*Time skip after the class was ended*

"Ne, Nagisa-kun i was also worried and curious about Himeka, how about we visited her?" Advice Yuuka.
"Yeah, i'm also a bit worried about her..." Answer Nagisa.
"Heh.. you guys planning to visited Himeji?" Said Karma.
"Yes, do you want to come with us?" Asked Yuuka.
"....Yes...." Said Karma and his hand Covered half of his face in embarrassment.
"Woah...! Akabane Karma is blushing...!!" Tease Yuuka.
"S-s-hut Up..!" Said Karma meanwhile Yuuka and Nagisa just laughing because they see a rare side of Karma.

"But.. does we know Himeji's house..?" Asked Karma.
"Ugh.. Thats right.. we didn't knew her house at all..." Said Yuuka sweetdropped.
"How about we asked Karasumja sensei? I think he know something..." Advice Nagisa.
"Okay, Let's go! Before Karasuma-sensei are going home...!" Said Yuuka, Nagisa and Karma didn't reply just nodded their head.

*Time skip again( A/N: sorry if you hate time skip ●•●")*

"Himeji Himeka's House?" Said Karasuma sensei shocking.
"Yes, She didn't attend class today" Said Nagisa.
"And We're worried about her" Said Yuuka.
"....-sigh- I think that isn't good to visit her today..." Said Karasuma sensei.
"What did you say Karasuma Sensei..!? We was worried about her! And you as a teacher didn't let us to visit Himeka!? He is also your student..! She is our friend, if if something bad happend, we can help her ..." Said Karma rising his voice and looked angry.
"...I think didn't need to hiding that fact again..." Sighing Karasuma Sensei.
"Hiding that fact???" Asked Yuuka, Nagisa and Karma.
"You all will know that later but follow me first if you want to meet with Himeji-san..." Said Karasuma Sensei.
"Hontou ni..!? Arigato Gozaimasu..! Karasuma-sensei...!!" Said Nagisa and Yuuka.

Now they're following Karasuma Sensei to Himeji Himeka's house, they used a shinkansen to Yokohama's destination. They walking about 1 hour from Yokohama's Train Station and They arrived in front of a big house.
Karasuma sensei Pressing a small speaker and operator guards began to speak.
"Who Are You and What do you need?".
"I'm Karasuma Tadaomi from Ministry of Defense, and they are Himeji Himeka-san classmate, we want to visit her" Said Karasuma Sensei.
"Please show your id card..." And they do what he told then a big gate is opened.
"Welcome to Himeji's Estate"
They hurry up to get in before the gate is closed again as they get in the gate are closed.

"My name is Yotsuba, a head butler from Himeji's Family, please follow me to the living room.." Said Yotsuba and he lead them to the living room.
"Please wait here for a momment, i will tell Ojou-sama first..." Said Yotsuba.
"Alirght, Thank You..." Said Karasuma sensei.
"Arigatou Gozaimasu...!!" Said both for Nagisa and Yuuka.

*After the butler left*

"Heh~ i even didn't know her house is very big...~" Said Karma cutting a silent in the room.
"Yea, if we out this room by ourself i really sure we can get lost..." Said Yuuka.
"Hey guys, isn't that a picture of young Himeka...?" Said Nagisa and her finger pointed at the big photo frame that Attached to the wall.
"Woah..! It's true...! And that young man is looked very to me, who is he...? Asked Yuuka , they begin to think who the man is meanwhile Karasuma sensei just watch them in silent.

*back to where Himeka was*

"My Friends...?"
"Yes, Ojou-sama, they're waiting at living room, do you want me to kick them out? They seems worried about you right now..."
".... I'm....."

*Back Again To Where Karasuma-Sensei, Nagisa, Yuuka and Karma was*

"I know..! That man is Henry Lucas...! The Famous Pattissiere, no wonder why i see him before" Said Yuuka.
"But what his relationship with her?" Asked Karma with annoying tone.
"Who Knows, maybe we will asked her later, I'm Also Curious..." Said Nagisa and they all stared at that picture.

"That Man, Henry Lucas....I Hate Him...!"

~☆Author-chan Note☆~

Author : Hello there...! Welcome to Author-chan note, i think this chapter are the longest.
Himeka : -sigh- i just have a little scene in this chapter
Author : hehehe~ gomen'nasai... ><"
Himeka : It's alright Shirayuki-san
Author : Arigatou, finally someone understand me... *-*
Karma : I hate that man..! I will kill him...! *death aura around Karma*
Author&Himeka : Someone jealous~
Karma : I-i-m not..!! *blushing* anyways don't forget to comment and vote this fanfiction if not i w--
Author : Alright! Alright...! See you Next Time Minna-san..~! Happy Lucky Go☆~!

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