Rank up & Zombie Hunting

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As you got up early and got dressed, you quickly ate some cereal and got on the walk to school.

S/n: Hey, are you trying to get to school by leaving me behind?

You: Ha, ha, a little.

S/n: So mean!

You: I knew you would catch up.

S/N: But what if I twisted my ankle, or broke my leg?

You: Then you would be in bed.

S/N: I bet you're just excited to see Milo again.

You: Of course I am, she's the first person I've partnered with that isn't a sibling or a parent.

S/N: I hope I can meet someone too. I didn't have much luck yesterday.

You: I'm sure you'll find someone.

S/N: You make it sound like I'm gonna find a boyfriend or something.

You: Sorry, I guess it does kinda sound like that, huh?

S/N: Speaking of guys, guess what happened yesterday.

You: What?

S/N: There were these two guys. One was a meister, the other one was a sword. The meister wanted me to be his partner so I told him to screw off. Then, they decided to fight me but the sword couldn't transform his head into weapon form.

You: How'd you win, I'm curious.

S/N: I punched the weapon in the face and used my spear arm to stick the meister into the wall. You shoulda seen it, the look on his face was priceless ha ha ha!

You: That would've been epic to see.

S/N: Huh?

You: What's wrong?

S/N: Turn around.

You did as she said as you turned around, only to realize the two of you ended up walking up the entire flight of stairs without noticing.

You: How did we-?

S/n: I'm not sure. Um, let's go to class I guess?

You: Yeah.

As the two of you headed to class, you saw Milo talked with the pairing that gave the weapon meister pairing demonstration yesterday.

You: I'll catch up with you later.

S/N: Alright, don't be late.

As S/N walked off, you waved to Milo, Maka, and Soul.

Milo: Oh, Y/N, hey. Guys, this is the guy I was talking about.

Maka: Pleasure to meet you.

You: Pleasure to meet you too. You and soul are awesome as partners.

Soul: Yeah, we're pretty cool.

Milo: Soul is actually almost a Death Scythe.

You: Really? You guys are much more talented than I thought then.

Maka: We're about two souls away from 99 kishin egg souls.

You: Man, you guys must've been training for ages to have that many already.

Maka: Yep. I plan to make Soul a super strong Death Scythe, even better than my dad.

You: Your dad's a Death Scythe? That's so cool, he must be super strong then.

Maka: Please don't talk about my father.

You: Right, sorry. Anyway, I should get to class now, see you guys later.

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