✰ chapter 7 ✰

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A heartfelt eternity later, Geonhak had already long since lost track of how often they had come up to the surface just to disappear below masses of water again.

Seoho never insisted on going deeper than they had to, always staying in the shallow water, always checking on Geonhak as the spaces of time between which he had to gasp for air and catch his breath started shortening. Geonhak realised that, too – how tiring it was to uphold while staying deprived of air for so long despite leaving Seoho with the crucial effort of dragging him along, but Geonhak carried on regardless because he was bold and stubborn and he probably wanted to prove something (he tried to convince himself that it was a good way to practice repeated apnoea sessions after all.)

However, it was all the more confusing and unexpected when Seoho shifted them in so as they were drawing nearer to the surface.

Already hearing the clicking in his ears from the decreasing pressure, Geonhak gave Seoho’s hand a quick squeeze and shook his head; the quizzical look on his face bearing the intention to clarify that Geonhak hadn’t given Seoho the sign yet, so why were they coming up.

He saw the inkling of a smile curling around Seoho’s lips before the cold breeze broke in and pressed all the right buttons that quickened Geonhak’s brain into gasping for air without having to think about it.
Geonhak drew in the sweet air, filled his lungs with attempted patience and leisure, but it was to no avail because Seoho saw right through the way Geonhak internally appreciated the early pause for breath.

“Why did we stop?” Geonhak asked in between huffs, not quite letting his choked lungs pant at full force.

“We’re there,” Seoho reasoned with a coy smile, yet there was something akin to compassion lacing his eyes.

Geonhak let his eyes wander over the expanse of water around them, nothing but the faded stretch of land indicating anything other than endless blue, and Geonhak raised an eyebrow – though surprisingly, there was no sign of unease in his chest despite drifting on the open sea with someone who, for all he knew, could plunge into water for a limitless amount of time without regard for him, but a well-disposed cabin behind his heart felt brave and confident enough for his entire being to settle down.

Maybe it was his gullible character trait of believing in the good in man and offhandedly assuming that his own values and intentions applied for everyone, and right now, he wanted to believe that Seoho would guide him home at the end of the day just as he and his friends used to walk their girl friends home at the end of a night out.

“You’re shivering. I’m sorry, this took a lot longer than expected. It’ll be warmer inside, but take a rest first and catch your breath,” Seoho continued, and Geonhak could tell that nothing but sincere guilt pangs and responsibility poured down from his eyes.

Geonhak had acknowledged the missing extra insulation from his wetsuit rendering the seawater a far bit chillier and jumping his skin to the point that he was feeling almost naked, but it had escaped his attention that goosebumps had already spread all over his bare arms.

However, Seoho’s words were serving as distraction just as much as their journey here had, and he wondered, “inside?”

“You’ll see. We’re going deeper down this time, but don’t panic please, just follow my lead.”

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