Chapter 7

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Estella then turned around, picked up the bags and continued down the alley. As he took the garbage to the big bin, he struggled to lift the first bag. Completely missed the bin and the bag fell on the other side. Estella grunted. As if the day couldn't get any worse.

Turning around, she found Gaspar and Horacio standing in the alley, looking at her with amused expressions. “You forgot your lunch,” Gaspar added, holding up a brown paper bag"How is it going?"

Estella squared her shoulders. I could answer honestly – the day had been horrible so far and she wanted to give up. Or he could do what his mother had always taught him: focus on the bright side of things. Preferred the second option. “It's a world of opportunity, as you said. I'm going up in rank, believe me,” she said, hoping to convince herself as much as they did. I'm calm and patient.

Catherine sighed at Cruella and said"I did say that,but there is limit to how much you take.Also, you don't have to bottle everything up, it is best to talk to your close ones about it."

Gaspar nodded and said"You should have told us about it.Also,this job seem to be not worh all this humiliation"

Cruella nodded and muttered"I guess that was my mistake.But it did work out in the end."

Gaspar and Horace nodded after all they got an in with Baroness, while Carlos conforted his mother.While Jane was now awkward situation,she was his former girlfriend and was now trying to get back with Carlos, so she was trying to get close to Cruella.

While Evie has a crush on Carlos and has been getting along with Cruella,who liked the girl for her tastes.

The two boys laughed. Those weren't words typically associated with Estella. “I know you will,” Gaspar said, straightening his smile and nodding.

Estella gave him a grateful look and, as she did so, realized that Horacio was looking at an open window above the trash can. She shook her head."No.No"

"What?" asked Horacio, in an unsuccessful attempt to act with innocence.

“No, I won't let you in that window to try to break into the safe,” Estella said.

Horacio shook his head."Isn't that the move?

"There's no play!"Estella and Gaspar shouted together. Laughing,
Gaspar walks away,while Horace was sad and got wink,while mutterng"There is no play."

Cruella said goodby to Wink.

Sighing, Estella turned back to her task at hand and picked up the next trash bag, heaving it up toward the dumpster. This one hit the mark, but it also managed to hit a loose piece of metal sticking up. There was a ripping sound, and the bag opened, pouring orange peels, old coffee grounds, and other remnants all over her.

Everyone pitied her after she had very off day,while Baroness took enjoyment in her misery,but the foolish women didn't think about the fact Cruella is planing to her send her to the same mental hospital where she will be taken care off "extremly well".

“Really?” she shouted to no one in particular. Tossing the remaining bags into the dumpster, Estella turned to go back inside, covered in garbage. She needed to change. Now. But when she went to turn the handle, it wouldn’t move. She was locked out. Estella groaned loudly. Finding the bright side was going to be hard. She turned from the door and walked down the alley and to the front of Liberty.

A few passersby gave her curious looks, and she hunched her shoulders, as if that could obscure the janitorial uniform and bits of trash sticking to her. Just as she reached the main doors, she spotted movement in one of the display windows. She lifted her eyes. A woman, not much older than her, was tentatively moving a mannequin’s arm and then rearranging a scarf so that it draped lower on the left than the right. Estella shook her head. The window was awful.

The clothing the woman had chosen was drab and uninspired. Even the furniture the stylist had chosen to “create the space,” was dull. Nothing went together. There was no theme. No message. It was as though the stylists had closed their eyes and grabbed a handful of items and just thrown them on the mannequins.

Evie muttered"It's true,I mean nothing fits with each other in that."

Some of the once who enjoyed different fashion and trends like Mal,Lonnie and Audrey.

Cruella nodded with smile it was mainly towards Evie,while Carlos, who was oblivious of Evie'a crush gave one to Evie too.

But Jane noticed this and was envious of this whole interaction.

Before she knew what she was doing, Estella found herself tapping on the window. The woman looked up and cocked her head, confused. “I feel sad that you think that looks good,” Estella said. What? the woman in the display window mouthed. “I feel sad that—” Estella stopped yelling as her boss walked into the display. She froze. His eyes met hers and narrowed. Crooking his finger, he gestured for her to get inside. She didn’t need to hear him to know he meant now.

Malefcient looked at Cruella and said"You just can't seem to get a break."

Cruella nodded and replied"Working there was nightmare."

Giving the terrible window one last pitying glance, Estella made her way back into the department store. Instead of keeping her head down and skirting along the side to the back area, like she was sure her boss wanted, Estella took a deep breath, raised her head high, and sauntered right through the middle of the place. She was more than likely about to lose her job. So why not go out being true to who she was—and that was someone who knew fashion and didn’t need this job. As she passed smartly dressed women, she nodded. “Afternoon,” she said to one. “Lovely scarf,” she said to another older patron, who was holding up two scarves underneath her wrinkled chins, trying to choose. “Whatever covers your neck more.” This was met with a look of shock from the patron but made Estella smile.

Maleficent with approval smiled at Cruella and said"So you probably thought, he would fire you.So you decided to go with head held high than sulking about it."

Cruella smiled back, she was liking this women a lot.They both has very terrible past.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2023 ⏰

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