Chapter 5 🌺🌺🌺

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(I am really sick and bored so why not update hehe pray for me i might have covid 19 )

Time Skip Marrige
"Today is the marrige" jisoo thought "i am really nervous" she sign as she said it to her friends

"Calm down unnie" Lisa Said "Yes Unnie Calm Down its oky you will be fine " jennie said agreeing with lisa

(So you all might be confused about how they all reacted so lets do a lil flashback)


Jisoo pov
I am really scared about how will the girls react when they get to know about the marrige thing

I am on my way to jennies house as everone is there

author pov

As jisoo reached jen's house everyone was curious about what was jisoo gonna they they all started asking questions

Jisoo Told them everything and they were hella shocked

"Unnie How did this happen" All of them said

"The day after tmrw is the wedding so many works to do unnie why didnt you tell us earlier offf we have so much much todo " Jennie Said while acting dramatic


Jisoo was walking down the asile with her father soon they reached her fiancè

"Take care of my Sooya or i will kill you" Her Father Said

"I will but dont kill me" Tae answered back scaried
And took her hand softly

"Father start the wedding" Her father told the prist and he started the wedding

"Do you kim taehyung take kim jisoo as your wedded wife?"

"I DO" he answerd

"Do you kim jisoo take kim taehyung as your wedded husband?"

"I DO" she answerd

"You may kiss now" the priest said

Taehyung looked at jisoo and asked if he can she nooded he started to kean in and





Hehe sorry hope you liked this chapter dont forget to vote and leave your opionos and sorry for my grammer english is not my first language byee

First Night

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