chapter 3

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hi. it's not that late now (9:37pm) but I'm writing now because. just because.



-Dream's pov-

I sigh and open up my contacts.

I call George and he picks up almost immediately.

"Hey George!" I say.

"Hi Dream. What do you need?" He replies, sounding a bit sleepy. I must've woke him up.

"Uhm... did I wake you up?"

"Yeah but it's ok"

"Sorry" I apologise.

"It's fine" he laughs a little. "Anyways, what did you need to call me for?"

"Oh yeah. I want to apply for your VISA now."

The call goes silent.

"Uhm.. dream.. how are you going to do that?" He asks.

"Well.. you do it with me on face time i guess"

"Sure!" He agrees. I'm a bit surprised but happy.

"Ok.. so first-"

*we call for hours trying to figure this out*

After a good couple hours (what felt like 100) we have applied for George's VISA.

"Ok, I'm going to head to bed now George, goodnight!! Can't wait to see you in Florida!!" I say.

"Me neither, goodnight Dream!"

After I end the call, Sapnap walks in without knocking.

How rude of you Sapnap. Don't do that when George is there 🙄

"CLAY! WHAT?!" Sapnap yells.

"What???!" I yell back.


"Uhm.. how do you know.." I say nervously.

"Because my room is right next to yours and o can hear through the very soundproof walls." Sapnap says, very sarcastically at the end.

I hum in response and tell him to get out and sleep.

Patches comes in my room again and jumps up onto my bed and snuggles herself in my arm somehow. She purrs herself and I to sleep.


-time skip 2 hours-

-Dream's pov-

I wake up to a loud bang.

What the fuck was that?

I stand up and walk over to the door and I hear someone..

"I told you not to slam the door Drista!!" Someone whisper yells.



My sister is here?!

I open the door to see my mom and Drista being greeted by Sapnap, quietly obviously.

"Hello? Mom? Drista?" I say.

Drista runs up to me and hugs me. I hug her back.

"Hey big bro." She laughs after she said that. I laugh with her.

"Hey Clay!" My mom says.

"Hi mom." I hug her because- she's my mom.


Basically, my sister is going to be staying with me and Sapnap for a couple weeks because my mom is going on a work trip.

She might meet George..?

"Anyways, I'm tired, bed please" Drista demands.

"Uhm how about no?" I say in a jokingly way.

"I'm gonna smack you"


"Because I can Clay"

I pick her up and take her too her room.

"Put me down you ass" she says to me.

"Ay ay ay! Language"

"Whatever just put me down"

I put her down and send her to bed and walk to my room.

I sigh. Another 2 weeks of my sister...

(541 words)

Someone help Dream take care of his 13 year old sister for 2 weeks.

Actually no don't.

Sorry if this is a slightly more boring chapter but it will get interesting soon- I mean- later..


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