Dead boy walking~

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Tommy's shoes scuffed the cement with each defeated step,
his head whirling with thoughts as he made his way down the quiet street. The music from the house party he'd fled from had faded out as he'd continued the walk, the only sounds being his rhythmic strides on the sidewalk and the low hum of crickets chirping. "The demon king of high school has decreed it.

He says Monday, 8:00 am I will be deleted." Tommy began to spiral, his finger wrapping a lock of his fuffy hair in a nervous habit. "They'll hunt me down in study hall, stuff and mount me on the wall, 30 hours to live, how shall I spend them?" 'I don't have to stay and die like cattle, I could change my name and ride up to Seattle, shit but I don't own a motorbike-wait."

Tommy paused, his gaze drawing to the window that suddenly flooded with light from the house he'd stopped in front of. Against golden glow, there was the silhouette of none other than Wilbur Soot's, his dark brown hair with undertones of dark black was unmistakable. hime's an option that I like, spend these 30 hours getting freaky." He cringed at his choice of words, but couldn't deny the fact that he had spent too long staring at the new boy each chance he got.
The image of the smirk playing on his candy red Lips as he drank his slurpee, Watching Tommy get flustered in the 7-Eleven earlier that night made his stomach flip every time he thought about it. There was something about that boy that was utterly intriguing and Tom's found himself needing to know more about him. ''I need it hard, I'm a dead boy walking." Tommy said, determination setting in as his feet moved from pavement to grass, "I'm in your yard -" ''that's creepy." "-I'm a dead boy walking."

He spotted a trellis, ivy curling around the white painted wood that led up to Wilbur's window and Tommy prayed it could withstand his weight as he climbed up. "Before they punch my clock, I'm snapping off your window lock. Though when he tried the window, it opened immediately. "Wait never mind it was unlocked, huh, that's a bad idea,'' Tommy mused to himself, then realizing what he was doing, decided he shouldn't be preaching.

"Got no time to knock, I'm a dead boy walking."
Tom slipped inside, gaze shifting to Wilbur who was sitting on his bed, his eyes now flicking up to Tommy's and yanking off the headphones he wore in shock clearly, he hadn't heard him come in. The boy was wearing a baggy sleep shirt with an orca and a pair of pajama shorts. His brunette hair cascading over his eyes just like earlier. He still looked effortlessly handsome and Tom felt his cheeks burn as he realized he was staring at Wilbur's lips, wondering if there actually still was a trace of cherry red on his lips from the slurpee earlier or if it was just his imagination.

"Jesus Christ-Tommy, what the fuck are you doing in my room?" Wilbur breathed, clutching a hand over his chest, though he looked more confused than angry. Tommy closed the window carefully, walking closer to his bed. Nerves made his stomach jump as he asked himself a hundred times that night 'what the fuck am I doing? "Sorry but I really had to wake you. "Is everything okay?" Soot's forehead creased and he sat up straighter, Tommy's heart fluttering for a moment as he nodded. "See, I decided I must ride you "till I break you." Wilbur's eyebrows shot up in surprise at Tom's bluntness but didn't hide his eyes racking up and down at Tommy quickly before cleWilburng his throat and replying. "Oh." "Cause Dream says I've got to go, you're my last meal on death row-"

Soot opened his mouth to say something but the curly- haired boy added quickly, "shut your mouth and lose the orca t-shirt. "Come on! Tonight I'm yours, I'm your dead boy walking. Get on all fours, kiss this dead boy walking." Wilbur grinned, crawling forward across the bed and pulling him onto his lap. "Let's go, you know the drill, I'm hot and pissed and on the pill- but that doesn't really matter." Soot laughed at the irony, trailing kisses down his neck, "50 bow down to the will of a dead boy walking." "And you know, you know, you know~ it's 'cause you're handsome. Tommy said, pulling away to look into Wilbur's swimming brown eyes, his thumb drawing along the boy's porcelain jawline as his gaze flew over every feature, trying to memorize it all. "You say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair keep it locked out there, in here it's beautiful"

A look softened in Wilbur's chocolate eyes, the boy leaning slightly into Tommy's touch as his thumb traced his bottom lip. "Let's make this beautiful." "If that's okay with you obviously, I~" but he was swiftly cut off with Wilbur's lips and he immediately melted. 'His lips do have a hint of cherry. The boy smirked into the kiss, "that works for me." He whispered against Tommy's lips before connecting them again. Tom's hands immediately flew to Wilbur's hair, combing through the tangled but soft locks as Soot's hand stayed at his hips, running his fingertips along the bottom of his shirt. Tommy huffed, slightly impatient as Wilbur took him sweet time tracing his fingers from his waist to his back, every slow movement making his heart hammer in his chest. Right as Tommy accepted, Wilbur was just going to keep teasing him, cool hands swiftly untucked his shirt and began to explore the skin underneath, setting a fire everywhere they touched. Tom gasped softly at the sudden contact and Wilbur took the opportunity to slip his tongue into his mouth. Everything after that fell into a haze as kisses were only interrupted to hed clothing. Tommy's shirt was first followed by his pants, tugging Wilbur's t-shirt off along with it and throwing it somewhere in the room.

Soon both were left in just their undergarments.
The pair eventually separated to catch their breath, Tommy placing kisses along the man's neck, collar bone, and shoulders, sucking gently in places. He could feel Wilbur's wandering hands and another familiar jolt went through him as one hand made its way down south. Tommy began attacking him neck more in anticipation, making Wilbur's breath hitch, but he paused at the rim of his boxers, waiting to be sure Tommy was okay with it. "Tommy " The brown eyed boy questioned, drawing away enough to see his face. The expression he gave Tom's sent his heart spinning, it was so sincere and caring Tom's wasted no time in connecting their lips again, whispering a fast "yes" and gasping as Wilbur's hands slipped inside his boxers. Though Soot still seemed hesitant, he was spurred on by Tom's words, "Full steam ahead. take this dead boy walking!" "How'd you find my address?" "Let's break the bed. rock this dead boy walking!" " He said. rolling him hips and ignoring Wilbur's question-not that he minded. "I think you tore my mattress.' Soot teased.

Tommy moved to cup Wilbur's cheek, eyes locking again, a playful smile tugging on his lips, "no sleep tonight for you, better chug that mountain dew." "Okay, okay." The other boy smirked, the lopsided grin on his face made Tommy's chest flutter. "Get your ass in gear, make this whole town disappear." "Okay, okay!" Wilbur obeyed, his movements and touches becoming rough, encouraged by sounds spilling out of Tom's mouth. "Slap me, pull my hair, touch me there and there and there-" Tommy tugged at Wilbur's hair. "And no more talking." "No~"Wilbur responded, leaning forward to continue to nip at the boy's neck, leaving bruises that were tomorrow's problem behind. "'Love this dead boy walking!' "Love this dead boy walking!" "Love this dead boy, yeah!" They said together. "Yeah!" "Yeah!" "OW- ." Soot winced as his wrist cramped for a moment. "Yeah!" And Tommy felt himself tumble over the edge.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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