i love you

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We make it to the school and i'm greeted with wendy at the doors.

"  Hi bebe!" She said giving me a warm smile back. I try to smile to but it comes out akaward.

" Hey wendy." I said. Tweek walked next to me and filled the silence.

" nGH are you ready for the test Wendy?" He said.

" I think im going to do pretty well!" She smiled and made eye contact with me. " how about you bebe?" My face gets flushed and I look to the floor.

" um uh Ill do fine!" I say and laugh a little.

We all go silent until the bell rings. 

" Well uh lets get to class." Wendy said grabbing onto my hand. My face turned almost completely red. I wave back to tweek as we enter the building and press my shoulder against Wendy's. 

" How come you are always focused on your grades?" I asked linking arms with her, trying to act like I always did.

"Bebe I tell you this everyday, I want to be sucessful and the key to that is getting a good job in order to get a good job I need to go to college in order to go to college I need good grades. Simple." She looked and me and smiled. " now you need to do the same." She Pushed my face away and giggled. We entered the class room and took our seats. I lean towards kenny 

" Hey Nicole you ready for the final?" I wispered.

" not really " Nicole shook her head and mumbled. I nodded agreeing with her. 

" Alright everyone I hope you are all excited cause this is going to be your last final of the semester." She walked around placing papers on all our desks. " No talking, No phones, And no cheating." She said the room was silent you could hear her heals clicking on the floor. I look down at my paper and sigh. I had no clue what I was doing. After about 30 minutes I saw kids standing up to turn in their papers, First of which was Wendy then shortly after kyle then Anne and so on. My palms start to get sweaty as I write down the answers. After about 30 minutes I had turned it in I was last to turn it in besides stan and red. I sigh and lay my head on my desk. I suddenly feel something on my arm. I look up and it was a note it read "Excited for the party? -Wendy" I smile a little and write back " So excited need to get my head off finals- Bebe" I place in on her desk.  " Maybe you could meet someone there too! - Wendy" My smile dropped why couldnt she understand. I like you wendy. Only you. I place my head back on my desk until the bell rings. I stood up and grabbed my back as I walked out of the room.

" wait bebe!" Wendy yelled and caught up to me. " Im sorry did I say something?" She said with a worried expression. I shook my head and contuined walking. Man this day sucked.  I walk into the cafitera and pull out a sand which from my bad Nicole, red, and Heidi were already sitting down.

" hey guys." I said sitting down next to Heidi. 

" hi bebe." She said as she bit into the school pizza.

I lift up my phone to see a text from tweek.


" Yes tweek?"

" WHats uk with wendy?? Shes sittin with stan and kyle.."

I scrutch my eyebrows and grip my phone harder. I Suddenly stood up. All the girls at the table looked at me giving me odd looks. I Just turned around and walk into the hall way until I got to the 300 Buildings thats where stan ussually is. As soon as I get there I see stan leaning up against the wall looking down at Wendy as she sat on the floor eating a salad. I grip my fist. Shit. what the hell was I doing. But i couldnt control myself. I walk up to them and first I stare at stan who looks confused and then I turn my eyes to Wendy who had a blank expression. She never gave me that look. I started to get nervous.

" um uh Can i talk to wendy in um private?" I asked stumbling on my own words.

" Why?" Wendy asked standing up. He hair fell onto her face. cute.

"Please." I say. wendy's face starts to losin up as we walk to the hall over infront of the girls restroom. " Wendy im sorry."

" for what?" Sh asked her hands were crossed. 

" I've been meaning to tell you something." I look away from Wendy I dont know how to tell her. " Ever since we became best friends I was the happiest person. Through everything I've been through you've always been here you make me feel safe and normal. And youre so perfect I dont deserve a friend like you ... I love how you always push the hair out of your eyes I love how you correct me when ever I say something " gramatically incorrect" I love your laugh Wendy, I- I love y-" DING DONG..... fuck..... me. I look back at Wendy her eyes were big almost teary? and she was blushing as soon as we make eye contact she turns away. 

" Um thank you bebe I um." She cuts herself by hugging me I wrap my arms around her before I start to hear the doors to the hall open She lets go. " uh well I gotta go. Have fun in history." She turned away. Not fully processing what just happned I stumble to History and sit next to tweek.

" GAH shit bebe are you sick?!?" HE asked worriedly.

" I almost confessed to Wendy." I said blankly. Tweeks jaw dropped as he leaned over to my desk.


" well um we kinda werent on the best terms and I was about to say I loved her but the bell rang."

" Ouch so no real coffession..??" Tweek said.

" nope" 

" Maybe you should confess at the part..??" Tweek suggested. I shrug. Before the teacher started speaking.

Perfect daughter (Wendy x Bebe)Where stories live. Discover now